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The Universitat de València organises the first talent challenge to promote student employability

  • May 3rd, 2021
Image de la noticia

UVjob, the Faculty of Law and Broseta Abogados have launched the “Talent and Employment Challenge” project. The two winning students will receive a prize of 500 euros and the possibility of a paid internship in one of the firm’s offices.

The “Talent and Employment Challenge” programme will be held online from the 10th to the 14th of May. Its main objective is to develop the professional potential and employability of the Faculty of Law students, which will participate in teams of two. Registration for the programme will be done online by filling out the form available on the specific website of the challenge. Applications may be submitted from the 26th of April to the 2nd of May.

The necessary requirements to participate are to be enrolled in a Degree in Law, a Double Degree in Law or a Master's Degree in Law at the UV and, for undergraduate students, to have passed at least 50% of the total degree credits.

The list of admitted students will be published on the 5th of May. Each participating couple will be informed that they are admitted into the challenge and given the Participation Guide. The challenge will take place online, with participants being able to solve a case in pairs over the established days.

The aim of this initiative is to help young people develop their professional potential by offering them the training and advice necessary to help them solve the challenge posed, thus seeking talent among the University's students. To this end, the programme will be consolidated in other areas and with different entities.

"The formulas for attracting talent and finding a job placement are constantly changing and adapting to new formats and audiences, so we must promote new ways for organisations to find talent with the skills required for each offer and give students the opportunity to prove themselves. With this programme, UVjob is boosting employability while helping promote the talent of the University’s students”, said Marisa Quintanilla, director of UVjob.

Mª Dolores Mas, the vice-dean for Quality, Training, Culture and Social Projection of the Faculty of Law stated that "the Faculty of Law takes on as one of its strategic challenges the promotion of its graduates’ employability, many of whom pursue the practice of law as a profession. The collaboration with Broseta Abogados in this first edition of the project, which aims to become consolidated in the future, will bring our students nearer to the working world that awaits them when they leave the controlled environment of the classroom, showing their talent to highly prestigious potential employers”.    

On the first day of the event, Broseta Abogados will put forward a case for students to solve in order to get to know the practical aspect of business legal advice and business law. Thus, the opening session will include a presentation of the case and the issues to be taken into account in order to solve it.

A team of specialists in the field will be at the disposal of the attendees. UVjob, through their technical staff, will provide support during the challenge for all those aspects and/or needs related to employability. Lastly, in a closing session at the end of the competition, the challenge will be solved by the experts in the form of a practical workshop.