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The Universitat de València has designed an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) that indicates the processes to be followed and the evidences that should be generated. The correct monitoring of the procedures and the proper storage of evidences must be secured. The efficient way to do this is through a computer system that facilitates the user’s tasks.

For this was developed a computer system that covers the following functions:

  • For this was developed a computer system that covers the following functions:
  • Controls the flow of procedures so the different tasks in the established sequence are accomplished.
  • Stores in a structured way, for its further analysis or consultation, the information generated or used in each task.
  • Allows users to check if they have to perform any task, and provides them the information needed to perform it.
  • Alerts pertinent users when they have to perform a task and when the deadline to perform it expires.
  • Informs the responsible users of each centre (and the technicians of the Quality Unit) about: the status of each procedure, the users responsible for the active tasks and the deadlines to perform it.
  • Allows the responsible users to view all stored information so far.

 Technological aspects of the SGIQ-UV computer tool