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In order to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of the teaching processes the Centres have incorporated the following organizational structures:

Each degree has its respective Degree Committee, that is, Undergraduate Degree Academic Degree Committee and Master’s Degree Academic Coordinating Committee.

The functions of the different bodies and persons are compiled in this document:

Functions of the different bodies responsible for the quality

List of Chairpersons of the Quality Committees of Centre:



Faculty of Physiotherapy 

Marta Inglés de la Torre

Faculty of Biological Sciences 

Mar Ferrer Suay

Faculty of Law 

Dolores Más Badia

Faculty of Phylosophy and Education Sciences

Juan García Rubio

Faculty of Physics 

José María Martí Puig

Faculty of Chemistry 

Jose Vicente Folgado Mateu

Faculty of Economics

Pedro Canales Ronda

School of Engineering 

Sonia Loras Giménez

Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

Ferran Calabuig Moreno

Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry

Antoni Merelles Tormo

Faculty of Pharmacy 

Emilia Ferrer García

Faculty of Mathematical Sciences 

Teresa León Mendoza

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy

María Castillo Fuentes Durán

Faculty of Geography and History 

Mª Luisa Vázquez de Agredos Pascual

Faculty of Teacher Training 

Rosa Isusi Fagoaga 

Faculty of Social Sciences 

Mireia Llobera vila

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry 

Gloria Segarra Irles

Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication

Amparo Ricós Vidal