Un estudi qüestiona les capacitats pedagògiques de les imatges en els llibres de text d’història 05/09/17 La recerca, dirigida per Juan Carlos Bel Martínez, de la Facultat de Magisteri, posa de manifest que la majoria de les imatges dels manuals compleixen una funció merament decorativa. El treball, que...[Read more]
Ministry of Education learning resources 23/06/16 The learning process is spread out over the life course and Ministry of Education has multiple resources for such purpose[Read more]
Bachillerato revalidation, the new selectivityd 17/06/16 The arrival of the LOMCE supposes the disappearance of the PAU or selectivity. The new model has generated lot of uncertainty, but it will be more similar to the current test than what it seemed[Read more]
13 keys to understand LOMCE 07/06/16 University Admission Tests2016 has already begun, the last entrance examination until LOMCE (new Spanish education law) comes into force. We are going to check the changes this new law entails[Read more]
The conflict of subsidised private education 25/05/16 During the last few days, the news has been giving many headlines to the conflict of subsidised private education. Today, we explain the differences it holds with public education[Read more]
The URAP has once again placed the Universitat de València as one of the best higher education institutions in the world 28/04/16 This ranking was established by the Informatics Institute of Middle East Technical University in 2009 and is published on a yearly basis.[Read more]
Master News: Web page and social networks redesign 22/04/16 A more visual web design which it also includes new social networks[Read more]
The Universitat de València is ranking among the best universities in the world in eleven disciplines 07/04/16 La Universitat de Valencia se posiciona entre las mejores universidades del mundo en once disciplinas de las 39 evaluadas[Read more]
Cognitive development: the Piaget stages 09/03/16 Cognitive development is a process which enables humans to acquire knowledge through learning and experience[Read more]
CLIL / AICLE, five things you did not know 04/03/16 This learning method meant a revolution when it started being in force and, nowadays, it is widely accepted as it offers several benefits[Read more]
Teaching: seeking for excellence 26/02/16 The learning process depends completely on teaching, on the teacher, on the lecturer who transmits knowledge to their students.[Read more]
Teaching: key element of the master’s degree 25/02/16 Teaching is the transmission process of a range of knowledge, techniques, rules, and/or skills. Achieving top quality teaching is the objective of this master’s degree.[Read more]
Theoretical framework of the Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics 23/02/16 This master’s degree has a theoretical part that we further explain next and a more specific part, divided in seven branches of knowledge that the students must choose according to their vocation.[Read more]
Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics: seven things you must know beforehand 19/02/16 Continuing your studies by doing a Master’s Degree is the option that more and more students choose. We explain what you should look for in a Master’s Degree in Research in Specific Didactics.[Read more]