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  • 13654: Design and implement content and language integrated learning projects.
  • 13655: Create a classroom climate that facilitates student learning and participation.
  • 8522: Know assessment strategies and techniques and understand assessment as an instrument for regulating and stimulating effort.
  • 13656: Self-regulate one's own learning process by developing appropriate strategies in and out of the classroom.
  • 13657: Be able to learn independently and to integrate the use of ICT into the teaching-learning process.
  • 7828: Value the importance of learning a foreign language as a factor for intellectual and social development.
  • 13658: Deal effectively with situations of language learning in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
  • 13659: Analyse the school system and the educational reality through a specific school, as an organisational unit, in its different dimensions and functions, and through the educational community that integrates it.
  • 7829: Cooperate with the educational community and participate in the proposals for improvement and innovation in the various fields of action that may be established in the school.
  • 13660: Know forms of collaboration between the different sectors of the educational community and the social environment.
  • 13661: Recognise the identity of this educational stage and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective characteristics.
  • 13662: Know how to promote the acquisition of habits as regards autonomy, co-education, freedom, curiosity, observation, experimentation, imitation, acceptance of rules and limits, symbolic and heuristic play.
  • 12607: Participate in the teaching activity and reflect on it by linking theory and practice.
  • 12608: Know the sources of information and documentation (informative and research) on the school world and use them in the design of teaching interventions and research projects.
  • 12609: Plan, develop and evaluate curriculum content in pre-primary education through appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding competences in students.
  • 12610: Develop curriculum content through the media and ICT resources.
  • 12611: Gain practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • 11903: Know and apply the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, and master the social skills and abilities needed to foster a climate that facilitates learning and coexistence.
  • 11904: Regulate the processes of interaction in the classroom with students from 0 to 3 and from 3 to 6 years of age.
  • 7830: Monitor the teaching and learning process by mastering the necessary techniques and strategies.
  • 11905: Analyse the results obtained in the teaching and learning process and reflect on them and on one's own knowledge, skills, attitudes and actions in relation to the teaching profession.
  • 7831: Design and carry out educational research projects using the appropriate resources and methodology.
  • 11906: Communicate the knowledge, experiences and reflections on the school intervention to the academic forums established for this purpose.
  • 7832: Be able to defend publicly in the bachelor's thesis both the analysis of the relationship between the subjects studied and the educational reality and the proposals for improvement of the aspects worked on during the degree studies.
  • 11907: Promote and facilitate learning in pre-primary education from a globalising perspective that integrates the different cognitive, emotional and motor dimensions, by designing, developing and evaluating experiences that enable the progressive development of autonomy in the child.