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Sixth form student body trained at the Universitat de València, awarded in the state phase of the Olympiad of Physics

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • April 30th, 2019
Estudiantado formado por la Universitat de València que ha participado en la fase nacional de la Olimpiada de Física.
Estudiantado formado por la Universitat de València que ha participado en la fase nacional de la Olimpiada de Física.

Donato Manuel Jiménez, Paloma del Hierro and Raúl Martínez, who are sixth form students and have received training in Physics at the Universitat de València, have won a gold medal, a bronze medal and an honourable mention, respectively, in the national phase of the Physics Olympiad, held between 25 and 28 April in Salamanca.

In addition, Donato Manuel Jiménez will participate in the Ibero-American phase of the competition, which will be held in El Salvador. The six people trained in Physics at the Universitat who attended the competition in its state phase study at Vicente Gandia Secondary School in Villanueva de Castellón (Donato Manuel Jiménez Benetó), Faustí Barberá Secondary School in Alaquàs (Ana Isabel Garrigues Navarro), Martí Sorolla II School in Valencia (Paloma del Hierro Jiménez), Gençana Educational Centre in Godella (Carlos Valero García), Sedaví Secondary School (Raúl Martínez Pavón) and Pío XII School in Valencia (Alejandro Atienza Vicedo).

The Physics Olympiad is an international competition in which secondary school students from numerous countries take part and which is organised by the Spanish Royal Society of Physics (RSEF) in its state phase. The Universitat de València (UV) - through the Faculty of Physics and the Delegation for Incorporation to the University - as well as the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), have been in charge of the local phase of the competition, which consisted of a written test of problems and exercises of Physics that was carried out on February 21 and the prizes of which were delivered on February 28.

More informationwww.uv.es/fisica and www.uv.es/incorporaciouv