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Adaptation to new undergratuate degrees

For students who did not complete a phased-out degree: Diplomatura (3-year Bachelor’s Degree), Ingeniería Técnica (3-year Degree in Engineering), Ingeniería (5-year Degree in Engineering) or a Licenciatura (5-year Bachelor’s Degree)

Completed subjects in your ‘old’ academic record will be validated by corresponding subjects in the new degree programme in accordance with the Equivalence Chart set for each degree (see below), establishing equivalences with previous degree programmes.

If the degree of correspondence between subjects is high, the grade/mark obtained in the original subject is also transferred. If two or more original subjects are needed to establish the equivalence, the transferred grade will be the weighted average. If the grade in one of the original subjects were an A+ (Sp. matrícula de honor), this will be also transferred to the new record if and only if the weighted average is higher than 9 (out of 10).

For the purposes of adaptation to the current degree programme, the following Equivalence Chart is used for reference, and the four exam attempts for each subject set by the regulations are observed

Equivalence chart for the current degree programme

Licenciado en Pedagogía (Plan 2000)

Previous degree Type of subject Type of subject Degree
Cognitive Development Optativo Optativo Psychology and Education
Basic Psychological Processes Troncal    
Psychology of Education and Development Troncal Basic Training Development Psychology
History of Education Troncal Basic Training Historical Foundations of Education
Theory of Education Troncal Basic Training Theory of Education
Methodological Basis of Educational Investigation Troncal Basic Training Introduction to Educational Research
Sociology of Education Troncal Basic Training Sociology
Data Analysis Techniques Obligatorio Obligatorio Data Analysis in Education
Data Analysis Techniques Optativo    
School Organization and Management Troncal Basic Training Organisation: Strategies for Educational Action in Various Contexts
    Obligatorio Organization and Management of Social Educational Institutions
Anthropology of Education Obligatorio Basic Training Anthropology of Education
Anthropology of Education Troncal    
General Didactics Troncal Obligatorio Subjects, Processes and Contexts of Learning
    Basic Training Teaching: Culture and Education in Present-Day Society
Pedagogy of Values and Attitudes Obligatorio Obligatorio Human Rights and Education
Educational Technology Troncal Optativo Educational Technology
Practicum (1st Cycle) Troncal Obligatorio Practicum I. Knowledge of Social Educational Contexts
Communication and Education Optativo Obligatorio The Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Educación Obligatorio    
History of Education in Spain Obligatorio Obligatorio History of Education in Spain
Economy in Education Troncal Optativo Education and Economic Activity
Geriatric Pedagogy Optativo Obligatorio Social Pedagogy
Pedagogy Applied to Delinquency Optativo    
Social Pedagogy Troncal    
Training and Refreshing Pedagogic Functions Troncal Obligatorio Teacher Training
Legislation and Educational Policy Troncal Obligatorio Politics and Educational Legislation
Educational Measurement Obligatorio Obligatorio Educational Measurement
Assessment Investigation Methodology Obligatorio Obligatorio Methodology of Educational Evaluation
Cooperation for Development and Education Optativo Obligatorio Comparative Education
International Education Optativo    
Comparative Education Troncal    
Curriculum Design, Development and Innovation Troncal Obligatorio Research, Development and Innovation of the Curriculum
    Obligatorio Practicum II. Study and Intervention in Social Educational Contexts
Evaluation of Programs, Centres and Teachers Troncal    
Treating Educational Information Optativo Optativo Virtual Learning Environments
Assessment Tools and Techniques Optativo Obligatorio Methods of Information Collection in Education
Youth Politics: Initiatives and Models Optativo Obligatorio Politics of Education
Social Education Politics Optativo    
Socioeducational Politics Optativo    
Foundation for Intercultural Education Optativo Obligatorio Intercultural Pedagogy
Curriculum, Democracy and Multicultural Aspects Optativo    
Principles of Educational Counseling Optativo Obligatorio Educational Orientation
Pedagogy of Play Optativo Optativo The Pedagogy of Culture, Leisure and Free Time
Design and Evaluation of Curricular Material Optativo Optativo Material and Resources for Teaching
Civic Moral Education Optativo Optativo Moral Education for the Citizenry
Career Counseling Optativo Optativo Orientation for Labour Market Insertion
Special Educational Needs - Diagnosis Optativo Optativo Diagnosis and Intervention in Subjects with Special Educational Needs
History of Female Education Optativo Optativo History of Women's Education
Political History of Education Optativo Optativo Political History of Education
Didactics and Organization in Secondary Education Optativo Optativo Secondary and Permanent Education
Diagnosis in Education Optativo Obligatorio Diagnosis in Education
Engineering in Education Optativo Obligatorio Organisational Training