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Equip de l'IES Ramon Llull / Foto: Xarxa Vives
Equip de l'IES Ramon Llull / Foto: Xarxa Vives

Last Friday, April 1st, the team of the Ramon Llull high school, representing the Universitat de València, has been proclaimed champion of the Lliga de Debat de Secundària i Batxillerat (LDSB, Debate League of High School and Baccalaureate) from the Vives Network 2022, after three days facing the participant teams.

With the slogan ‘Cal posar límits a la ciència?’ (Is it necessary to limit science?), the participants have defended both positions, in favour and against, on the consecutive debates of the competition. The members of team of the Valencian Ramon Llull high school –Clara Chiner, Marcos Ezpeleta, Lucía Felipe, Patricia Fernández, Sílvia Ors and Enric Senabre (captain)– have won the league’s final facing the Jesuïtes Gràcia - Col·legi Kostka, representing the Universitat de Barcelona. The award for the best public speaker has been given to Jaume Aleixandre Custodi Izaguirre, from the Serra de Miramar high school, representing the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

The final phase of this year’s Debate League has been held from March 30th to April 1st at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and has hosted the 15 finalist teams from the local phases, previously held at the Vives Network universities. The Ramon Lull high school won the Universitat de València local phase last February.

The LDSB of the Vives Network is a competition among teams of students in fourth of ESO (secondary school), baccalaureate and Education Cycles from various schools that debate about current topics. The main objective of this competition is to foster the students’ cross-disciplinary competences through oratory using Catalan as a lingua franca.

This league was born from the experience of the University Debate League and fomented by the Vives Network of universities and the Escola Valenciana organisation. The local phase of the league at the Universitat de València is organised by the SeDi Information and Promotion Service in cooperation with La Nau Cultural Centre and the Escola Valenciana organisation.