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Degree number of credits: 90

Compulsory credits: 30

Elective credits: 30

Final project: 30

Degree code: 2268

Years: 2

Teaching type: Presencial


Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 40

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Exceptions to the price per credit Students who are taken the specialisation at the University of Valencia: 83,90 Euros/credit. Besides, one of the semesters must be taken at an IBSA partner University different from UV. So please, check the fees that additionally should be paid at:

Management Centre: Faculty of Economy

Languages used in class: English

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: Enrique Bigné Alcañiz (Codirector)
Carmen Pérez Cabañero (Codirectora)
Marta Frasquet del Toro
Elisabet Mora Pérez
Mª Carmen Saorín Iborra
Martina González-Gallarza Granizo
Verónica Rivero Sanchis (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: In business world, also in economy in general, issues are addressed at a global level. Globalization can be defined as the integration of countries thanks to the enormous reduction of costs in transportation and communication and the breakdown of barriers on the free movement among borders of goods, services, capital and knowledge and (to a lesser extent) of people. This globalization has caused an evolution in the way of conceiving the practice of business in an increasingly competitive world. What before was called international trade, now is called internationalization of companies, since the relations between economic entities are trying to find long-term agreements rather than rely on competitions at short term. Therefore, in getting involved in the world of business the simultaneous managements in many countries, the events that take place in one of them are also relevant for the functioning of the companies of the others. The Master’s Degree in International Business Management wants to give to his/her graduates an education in which global aspects will be considered when they take business decisions. The understanding of economic and cultural diversity becomes in this Master’s something as important as professional skills or management. The graduates in the Master’s Degree in International Business Management will end up taking jobs in which is essential mobility and adaptability to rapid changes in the environment, and they have to be trained for this. The Master’s offers this experience providing exchanges between the different universities and allowing to students to discover the way of being and the way of working of students from other races and cultures.

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: