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In order to promote quality research, adapt and improve the resources allocated to research activity and to promote the knowledge transfer, the Office of the Principal of the Universitat de València annually announces the Specific Programme of Research Grants.

The types of grants currently included in the Specific Programme are as follows:

  • Pre-doctoral grants

    • Grants for the training of pre-doctoral research staff, within the framework of the "Attracting Talent" sub-programme.

  • Mobility

    • Grants for short stays for recipients of pre-doctoral research staff training programmes.

    • Grants for short stays of teaching and research staff in other universities and research centres.

    • Grants for temporary stays of visiting researchers, within the framework of the "Attracting Talent" sub-programme.

  • Scientific infrastructure

    • Grants for the acquisition and maintenance of scientific equipment.

  • Pre-competitive projects

    • Grants for pre-competitive research projects.

  • Other grants

    • Grants for participation in major EU initiatives and the development of European research projects.

    • Grants for designing proof-of-concept projects, within the framework of the "Valoriza y Transfiere" programme of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Research and Science Policy.