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The State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation is responsible for the development and financing by the General State Administration of the actions contained in the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy 2021-2027.

The current State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation for the period 2021-2023 is structured into four national programmes that correspond to the general objectives established in the Strategy. The national programmes are deployed in multiannual sub-programmes that will be developed mainly through competitive calls for proposals, in which the modality of participation and funding will be detailed.


  • State Programme to Address the Priorities of Our Environment.

    - State Sub-Programme for Internationalisation.

    - State Sub-Programme for Territorial Synergies.

    - State Sub-Programme for Strategic Actions.

  • State Programme to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer.

    - State Sub-Programme for Knowledge Generation.

    - State Sub-Programme for Knowledge Transfer.

    - State Sub-Programme for Institutional Strengthening.

    - State Sub-Programme for Scientific and Technical Infrastructure and Equipment.

  • State Programme to Develop, Attract and Retain Talent.

    - State Sub-Programme for Training.

    - State Sub-Programme for Incorporation.

    - State Sub-Programme for Mobility.

  • State Programme to Catalyse Innovation and Business Leadership.

    - State Sub-Programme for Business R&D&I.

    - State Sub-Programme for Innovative Growth.

    - State Sub-Programme for Public-Private Collaboration.

  • Strategic Actions.

    - SA1. Strategic Action in Health.

    - SA2. Strategic Action in Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society.

    - SA3. Strategic Action on Security for Society.

    - SA4. Strategic Action on Digital world, Industry, Space and Defence.

    - SA5. Strategic Action on Climate, Energy and Mobility.

    - SA6. Strategic Action on Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources and Environment.


More information on the State Plan 2021-2023: