- Institutional Chairs are sponsored by public institutions.
- Corporate Chairs are focused on an area of knowledge related to the business activity being carried out by the sponsoring company. They are usually associated with the name of the company that finances them.
- University Workshops are oriented towards the development of training, dissemination and knowledge transfer acitivities, specifically excluding R+D+I activities.
The range of activities that can be developed within a Chair is very broad:
- Activities to encourage study:
Awarding of prizes
Student internships in the company or institution
Conferences, seminars and workshops
Encouragement of collaboration and educational cooperation
Collaboration in the design and delivery of lifelong learning programmes
Completion of doctoral theses, final degree projects and master’s degree projects, in cooperation with the company or institution
Scholarships, grants and pre-doctoral and post-doctoral contracts within the Chair
- Cultural and dissemination activities:
Development of works of innovation and the dissemination of science and technology
Organisation of scientific and technological dissemination conferences
Promotion of publications on topics of interest
Organisation of cultural, scientific, technical, social or humanistic dissemination activities
Promotion of scientific, technical and artistic events
- Research and development activities:
Joint development of lines of research and innovation of common interest
Cooperation to participate in national and international projects
Carrying out work of a scientific, technological, humanistic or artistic nature, as well as specific training activities, as established in the Art. 60 of the Organic Law of the University System
Any other activity that is of general interest to students and the university community within the scope of the purpose of the Chair.
The maximum endowment for carrying out the activities referred to in the last point, where applicable, may not exceed 40% of the total contribution of the Chair.
The UV Chairs are based on Law 49/2002 of 23 December, on the Tax Regime for Non-Profit Entities and Tax Incentives for Patronage, which states that the donations regulated by this law are financial or material support provided without direct counterpart by the beneficiary for the exercise of activities of a general interest nature.
The Chairs have an institutional function that goes beyond its concretion in an economic agreement and are the expression of a willingness to collaborate between the UV and one or more entities. Thus, it is important to distinguish this collaboration from the provision of services that may be arranged between the UV and a company or entity.
According to the UV Chairs Regulations, the initiative for the constitution of a patronage or sponsorship through a Chair will be presented by a permanent member of the UV staff, provided that their area of management, teaching and/or research is related to the field of activity of the Chair. In this case, they shall act as a contact person and be in charge of the proposal while the Chair is being formally constituted.
Assistant teaching staff may co-direct a University Chair or Workshop, always under the supervision of a permanent director.