Universitat de ValènciaResearch and Tech Transfer Logo del portal


What is internationalisation in research?

Internationalisation in research is the set of initiatives that researchers develop with their peers in other parts of the world, in order to achieve the integration of an international, intercultural, interdisciplinary and comparative perspective in research topics.

Internationalisation in research and innovation is a strategic priority of the EU with the aim of promoting excellence by sharing resources in order to make scientific progress and to develop dynamic innovation ecosystems. This section describes the details of internationalisation at the UV, understood as the process of participation of the research staff of the University of Valencia in all the opportunities to develop research and transfer projects with funds from the European Commission or other international organisation.

Why is internationalisation in research important
for the UV?

Participation in leading strategies and projects in Europe and even the world, generally transforming technologies, critical processes in their sectors, and executed in collaboration with the most competitive companies and research centres, benefits the image and reputational value of all partners.

It is a strategic objective for the UV to be recognised for playing a leading role internationally and being the clear national leader in several thematic areas of research that address the main challenges facing society in the 21st century.

The global focus on scientific priorities allows the access to the most recent knowledge and to the best talents in the world, and it provides opportunities in new emerging markets. It is necessary to proactively offer advice to the academic and research staff for the UV to join this dynamic. Our main line of action is to promote and facilitate their participation in international research programmes, advising on funding opportunities and providing guidance on the best strategy to follow based on the knowledge of the research potential of the UV.

Who is it aimed at?

We address staff linked to the UV with research capacity function, as well as research management staff with competence in the international field.

Likewise, we address any collaborating institution who wants to participate jointly with the UV in an international research project.

What do you need beforehand?

If you are UV staff, you need to be willing to participate in an international research project.

If you are a collaborating institution, company or not, you need to be interested in collaborating with the UV in an international research project.

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Transfer and Innovation Service Capacities


The Transfer and Innovation Service, through the International R&D and Innovation Section, proactively supports the university community in obtaining competitive international funds for research and innovation activities, offering individualised professional support throughout the life cycle of a project from the initial idea.   To this end, the following activities are carried out:


  • Dissemination, promotion and encouragement of participation.
  • Information and advice to the research groups of the UV in order to facilitate participation in European and international R&D and Innovation projects.
  • Management and monitoring of European and international research projects.

Transfer and Innovation Service

International R+D+I Section

Avda. Blasco Ibañez 13, Nivel 4

46010 València

Office of the Principal - University of Valencia



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