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Funding opportunities

What is this section about?

The European Union is currently the only organisation with resources able to offer funding in the form of grants. However, access to these resources and proper use of them requires the entities' specialised knowledge, which will allow them to present more and better projects, increasing their success rate and, consequently, their funding. In this context, it is important to have the knowledge that allows us to benefit from the funding oppottunities provided by the European Union.

This section offers objective information about funding programmes from international research and innovation projects on priorities, opportunities and challenges linked to open and future calls published by the European Union and other international organisations.

Different, useful, simple and easy-to-use tools can be found at a single point for the different agents to get to know and inform themselves about the funding sources that exist in Europe, in order to have access to them and to participate in the implementation initiatives in this area as a first approach to European programmes and grants, facilitating location and access to the main funding sources in their respective fields.

What is its aim?

It encourages the participation of the research community in these programmes, raising awareness of the benefits of participation, while highlighting its added value.

The aim is to have the necessary information as soon as possible in order to adapt to the new realities and challenges of the European Union.


The International R+D+I Section makes the Eurorecerca newsletter available to European research stakeholders. We publish information related to European meetings, events, partner search, and news related to research and innovation funding.

You can find a preview of the latest Eurorecerca numbers on the News page of the Internationalisation Area of the website of the Transfer and Innovation Service of the University of Valencia web portal, from there you can access each individual Eurorecerca by clicking on the title of the new product. 

Additionally, each Eurorecerca newsletter is published on its Facebook page. Furthermore, users can subscribe to the distribution lists of the International R+D+I Section and get the newsletter via e-mail. Information is available on the Subscription menu.

Subscription to Eurorecerca

There are ten thematic e-mail lists managed by the International R+D+I, and a general list, EURORECERCA, devoted to transversal calls for proposals belonging to Excellent Science pillar, namely Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, European Resaerch Council grants (frontier research in all areas of knowledge), research infrastructures, and general news about European research funding.

E-mail Lists of the International R+D+I Section

  • General List:
    • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
    • ERC Grants
    • Research Infrastructures
    • Transversal calls for proposals





Eurodigital  Euroindustria    Euroespai

Euroclima     Euroenergia    Euromobilitat



Subscription is available by means of our subscription form, or by sending an email to listserv@listserv.uv.es with the following text: subscribe + name of the list Name Surname. Where name of the list means the name of the list to subscribe, and Name Surname, the user’s name and surname (optional). Next, you will receive a confirmation message with a link to click and complete the subscription process.

When subscribing to one or more of the thematic lists, you will receive also the messages sent to the general list.

More information on the mailing lists service of the University of Valencia.

Search engine for calls for applications

The Funding and Tenders Portal is the entry point (Single Electronic Data Interchange Area, SEDIA) for participants and experts in funding and tender programmes managed by the European Commission and other EU organisms.

If you are looking for funding for your innovation project, or projects in a specific area, or collaborators, Zabala’s KAILA platform will allow you to explore available calls for proposals  within the main EU Programmes.


The Spanish portal Horizon Europe has a webpage dedicated to events related to this funding programme for European research, where all the informative sessions in all Spain, and other relevant European sessions are detailed.

The European Commission also has an events section related to research and innovation.

European Projects



  • Dissemination, promotion and encouragement of participation.
  • Dissemination of information on the different calls for international projects.
  • Fundraising to promote the participation of the UV in international research projects.
  • Management of the call to promote the participation of the UV in international research projects.

Transfer and Innovation Service

International R+D+I Section

Avda. Blasco Ibañez 13, Nivel 4

46010 València

Office of the Principal - University of Valencia



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