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The Structural and Investment Funds are the financial tools governed by the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in development, thus fully contributing to the objective of economic, social and territorial cohesion. These funds are composed of:

  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
  • European Social Fund (ESF).
  • Cohesion Fund, which is not strictly a structural fund, but is closely related.

The main differences between the Structural Funds and other European R&D programmes such as Horizon 2020 (or formerly 7FP or CIP) are that, in the case of the Structural Funds:

  • RTD initiatives and support for innovation are means to other ends and do not represent objectives in themselves.
  • Management and programming are decentralised.

The Structural Funds are implemented through national and regional Operational Programmes:

The UV has numerous projects, infrastructures and actions of various kinds in the research field, which have been co-financed with ERDF funds through actions integrated into national and regional operational programmes. This section lists all the co-financed actions, with an indication of their basic data: