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There are ten thematic email lists managed by the International R&D and Innovation Unit, and a general list, EURORECERCA, devoted to transversal calls for proposals belonging to Excellent Science pillar, namely Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, ERC grants, research infrastructures, and general news about European research funding.

Email Subscription Lists managed by the International R&D and Innovation Unit

General List:


  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
  • ERC Grants
  • Research Infrastructures
  • Transversal calls for proposals

Thematic Lists:

Cluster 1: Health

Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society

Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space
Eurodigital  Euroindustria    Euroespai

Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
Euroclima     Euroenergia    Euromobilitat

Cluster 6: Alimentació, Bioeconomia, Recursos Naturals, Agricultura i Medi ambient


Subscription is available by means of our subscription form, and also by sending an email to UV lists manager at  listserv@listserv.uv.es with the following text:

subscribe name of the list Name Surname


where name of the list means the name of the list to subscribe, and Name Surname, the user’s name and surname (optional).

Next, you will receive a confirmation message with a link to click and complete the subscription process.

When subscribing to one or more of the thematic lists, you will receive also the messages sent to the general list.
More information on UV mailing lists service is available on the following webpage:
