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A project on the production and reception of humoristic content to enable a positive change in the public sphere

  • October 3rd, 2024
Humour Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

UV takes part in HUMLIT project, with Horizon Europe funding

Prof Esther Linares, department of English and German, Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication, is the Principal Investigator at the Universitat de València of HUMLIT project Developing humour literacy: analysing production, content and reception of humour to bring positive change in the public sphere. HUMLIT goal is to find out how humour literacy can be used to reframe the conflicts and controversial issues in the public sphere and bring benefit to European society by promoting dialogue rather than conflict. Humour literacy is understood to be an ability to decipher the signs, references and messages that humorous discourse evokes, and an awareness of the benefits and risks of presenting these messages in humorous form to different audiences, public and private, such as a risk of humour failure, humour scandal, or discriminatory humour.

The project will carry out staff exchanges among 23 partner institutions (15 academic and 8 non-academic ones) from 11 EU and 3 non-EU countries over the period of 48 months. The project results will be disseminated among academic and non-academic institutions with the specific focus on educational activities which aim at promoting humour literacy.

HUMLIT will start its activities on 1st January 2025.

More info: esther.linares@uv.es

Related Links: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101182860
