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Contracts for the training of pre-doctoral research staff, from the Vice-Rectorate for Research - Call 2022

  • November 2nd, 2022
Contracts for the training of pre-doctoral research staff, from the Vice-Rectorate for Research - Call 2022
Contracts for the training of pre-doctoral research staff, from the Vice-Rectorate for Research - Call 2022

Provisional lists of admitted applications, that are pending of correction and

rejected, also withdrawn applications.

Resolution of November 2nd, 2022, made by the Office of the Principal of the University of Valencia to publish the provisional list of applications that have been accepted, that are pending of correction, or have been excluded from the call for predoctoral fellowships within the «Talent Attraction» Vice-Principal for Research programme.


NOTE : Interested parties may submit any allegation and/or complaint they deem appropriate, duly justified and documented, within ten days from the following day the decision is published via Electronic Office.

Link to the website of the Research Management Service
