Universitat de ValènciaResearch and Tech Transfer Logo del portal

The special centres of the UV carry out research, teaching and cultural dissemination functions in collaboration with the departments, centres or services that, by their nature, are related to them:

  • Botanical Garden: The Botanical Garden, a UV heritage site, was founded in 1567 in order to study medicinal plants. In 1802 it was moved definitively to its current location, the Hort de Tramoieres. After a period of neglect, its restoration began in 1987 and was completed in 2000 with the inauguration of the research building. This research building houses the research groups of the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (ICBiBE) of the UV dedicated to plant conservation biology, plant biodiversity and plant evolution.
  • Astronomic Observatory: It is a unique UV centre founded in 1909 and declared of public utility in 1919. It is the oldest active university astronomical observatory in Spain. In 2006 the Observatory built an astronomical observatory dedicated to professional observation, with state-of-the-art technology. We are talking about the Aras de los Olmos Observatory, OAO, the most important astronomical complex in the Valencian Community.