Universitat de ValènciaResearch and Tech Transfer Logo del portal

The research staff of the Universitat de València annually reports the research activities carried out. From the information included in the individual curricula vitae of the researchers, the scientific production is extracted to enable the report of each department or institute to be drawn up.

For the introduction of scientific production data, the UV has the computer application CURRICUL@ of the GREC Platform. It is an application developed by the University of Barcelona and is currently used by several institutions and research bodies in the Valencian Community, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. The CURRICUL@ application allows you to update and manage your own CV, as well as export it in various formats, including the CVN format (Standardised Curriculum Vitae) developed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO).



  • CURRICUL@ login for new users:


Navigation tips:

All applications are designed to avoid, whenever possible, the use of browser buttons (e.g. navigating to the previous or next window). So, it is very important to use application buttons and NOT browser buttons to move within processes.

Applications that start a data modification process (such as CURRICUL@), require closing the process. This is why you will find the Disconnect button, which allows you to close the process in an orderly fashion.

1.- Instructions before applying for CURRICUL@.

2.- APPLICATION for new user access.

Research Report Documentation (section 5 of "Legislation and Regulations"):

Contact: grec@uv.es