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  1. To periodically access the overall running of the Faculty, with a focus on organisational and academic aspects.
  2. To propose appropriate means and measures for ongoing improvement of teaching and indicators included in the assessment and accreditation process. 
  3. To establish and supervise strategic plans to bring the faculty to international standards of quality.
  4. To disseminate the culture of quality in the faculty and its degree programmes.


Name Category Contacte
Castelló Cogollos, Rafael President   
Aradilla Marqués, M. José Vocal  
Canet Giner, M. Teresa Vocal  
Cano Cano, Ernest Vocal  
Chirivella Ramon, Amparo Vocal  
Domingo Oltra, Rosario C. Vocal  
Fernández-Coronado González, M. Rosario J. Vocal  
Lerma Montero, Ignacio Vocal  
García Testal, Elena Vocal  
Aparicio Aparicio, Rubén Vocal  
Gómez Ferri, Javier Vocal  
Santamarina Campos, Beatriz Vocal  
Marí Poveda, Elvira Vocal  
Fernández Prats, Celia Vocal  
Redondo Cano, Anna Vocal  
Rodenas Rigla, Francisco José Vocal  
Royo Ruiz, Isabel Vocal  
Torres Hernández, Sonia Vocal