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The Laboratory of Social Sciences of the Universitat de València (Social·Lab), a singular and versatile space for research and excellence training in the area of social sciences. Endowed with infrastructures and cutting-edge equipment, this laboratory is divided in three rooms, which are specialised in the application of social research techniques both quantitative and qualitative in all phases of the research process (collection, recording and analysis of data and information).


  • Give technical and infrastructure support for the development and execution of social research projects to researchers, research groups, University Institutes and ERIs of our university.  
  • To make it easy for research groups of our university, other universities and institutions to collaborate with each other and execute interdisciplinary work.     
  • Give technical and infrastructure support to public and private institutions and social organisations while they carry out their studies and reports.   
  • Collect information that, over a medium- and long-term can result in a data base which is of public utility over Valencian society.     
  • In an informative level, train students when it comes to techniques, tools and advanced instruments that will be lately used in the professional field of social research.    
  • To favour its use in the tutored development of Final Degree projects, Master’s Degree Projects and Doctoral Theses.
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