1. Feminine citizenship, politics and equality
1.1. Feminism and philosophy.
- Analysis of the philosophical discourses to show the historicity of the difference between genders and evince the misogynist language in the treatment of women.
- Analysis and interpretation of the paradoxes of Englightenment regarding women equality.
- Analysis of the debate Modernity – Postmodernity in the elaboration of the diversity of feminisms in the contemporaneous debate.
1.2. Feminist epistemologies.
Study of the relation between knowledge production and political action from the different theoretical developments that in the space of feminist studies question the epistemic privilege of the scientific knowledge sustained in objectivity, universality and neutrality assumptions.
1.3. Feminism and Politics
Relationships between citizenship and gender. The problems of the redefinition of the political field in relation to women. Puzzle of the gender identity and paradoxes of the feminist politics.
2. Women and Gender’s History.
2.1. Female/male: identities and relationships
Study of the historical construction of gender models and identities (feminity-masculinity), focusing on the analysis of normative and fiction literature, as well as on its internationalisation and adaptation by the individuals, and analysis of functions and relationsips between sexes, intellectual strategies and social practices.
2.2. Gender identities on the political cultures in the 20th century.
It aims to study the historical construction of gender identities in the different left-wing political cultures, during a fundamental century for the contemporary history of Spain, in order to understand and explain the gender relationships in the present. The work is framed within the gender history and the history of social relationships between women and men in the public and private domain.
3. Gender Relationships and Work Organisation.
3.1. Women integration into the labour market and unpaid work.
It focuses, on the one hand, on the situation of women in the labour market (wage discrimination, occupational segregation, different forms of work and working time, etc.). On the other hand it is related with socio-economic topics, comprising the elaboration of social indicators on women situation, female unemployment and household consumption patterns. A third part of this research line consists of the quantification and integration of domestic work in national accounts through satellite accounts of the domestic production as well as in the extension of the production limits in national accounting though the elaboration of social account matrices.
3.2. Psychology, gender diversity and professional development
It studies the gender dimension and the importance this dimension has on the psychic development, affecting the development of stereotyped beliefs, working and educational expectations, and the description of social roles. The analysis focuses on the following topics: the glass ceiling in the women’s management career; gender and diversity mainstreaming as it remains in the labour market; and analysis of the gender biases when choosing a career, that favours the choice of technical careers in men and humanistic and social studies in women.
3.3. Evaluation of equality policies: Theory, methodology and praxis.
The main objective is to focus on theoretical, methodological and pragmatic approaches of the evaluation of equality policies. It is about investigating on the planning of these equality policies and their scope in order to evaluate their results and impact. It focuses, mainly, on the different information gathering procedures in the evaluation of programmes and policies, prioritizing the methodological integration in the evaluation processes of programmes addressed to eliminate gender discriminations, as overcoming strategy of the old quantitativism vs. qualitativism polemic.
4. Subjectivity and Gender: Implications of socio-cultural models in the psychological development and health.
4.1. Gender, health and wellness of women.
The main objective of this research line is to analyse how the social representation of women affects the construction of body’s images subjectivity and normative criteria, which reach the status of idealised proposals from the prevailing socio-cultural model. The prescriptions of gender models transmitted from the cultural imaginary are going to work as patterns affecting social wellness and health.
4.2. Cultural imaginary, identities construction and gender and violence.
It analyses the reciprocity relationship between gender roles internationalisation –that, from the cultural imaginary, justify the asymmetries of power between sexes–, the tolerance to under covered forms of violence and manifestation of attitudes and behaviours that underlie gender violence in order to have a real knowledge of our teenagers and , from here, to elaborate an intervention programme providing tools to tackle the resolution of conflicts from egalitarian positions and to redefine relationships between sexes.
5. Gender, culture and society.
5.1 Sociability and gender: groups, networks and women movements.
Starting from the agency idea and from an intercultural approach, this research line promotes the study of informal groups, volunteer associations, networks and social movements where women move, which direct and orient their collective actions, and open/clos, restrict/increase their resources and social capacities.
5.2. Communication, image and gender policies.
Study of the gender as social technology, and its implications in the discourse production in artistic and communicative practices. Critical analysis of the verbal and non-verbal language with special attention to the cinemas as an industry, discourse and institution in their active role in the shape of the socio-sexual imaginary of the contemporary society.
5.3. Gender, interculturality, migrations and development.
Gender equality policies, policies to combat poverty and policies to promote social and citizen participation of women. Design, planning and evaluation of gender equality public policies and plans, programmes and projects within the local and international area. Gender perspective in social programmes and projects. Gender equality perspective in international cooperation,
humanitarian action and awareness and education for the development. Exclusion and marginalisation processes from the gender perspective.