The official qualification of the Master's Degree in Gender and Equality Policies is formed by two pathways:
- Pathway 1: Research and analysis of the equality policies.
- Pathway 2: Equality elements and management of the equality policies.
The pathway 1 is research-oriented, with the path to the PhD in Gender Studies, while pathway 2 is professionally-oriented. Each of these two pathways has a total of 90 European credits, of which 76 correspond subjects and 14 to the completion of the Master’s Degree Final Project. The pathway 1 is taught on-campus and the pathway 2 is in virtual format.
The University of Valencia has a considerable tradition in the field of Gender Studies. Optative subjects have been taught in licenciatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree), a Master’s Degree in Equality Agents and a doctoral programme.
It is likely a growing demand for these studies because of the great demand that has occurred in recent years for specialized training in women's studies from various professional fields such as public administration, education level, health, etc. As in the need for specific professional training of equality agents. It is evidence of that the demand evolution of interdisciplinary doctoral programme studies “Gender, knowledge, subjectivity and culture”, which till its extinction and subsequent conversion to Doctoral Studies in Gender Studies, has shown an increasing trend.
Such demand is clearly sustainable given the projected needs in the development of the law of equality between women and men of the Valencian Government, the Comprehensive Law against gender violence, as well as the Law on Effective Equality between women and men.
The Master’s Degree in Gender and Equality Policies aims to fulfil both mandates of specific legislation on equality, as to those related to the development of the Organic Law of Universities (LOU).
In relation to the first ones, it must be highlighted the Organic Law 1/2004 of 28 December, comprehensive protection measures against gender violence (Art. 4.7) and Organic Law 3/2007, 22 March (Art. 25). Finally, the RD 1397/2007 that the LOU develops.
Twenty-five new entry places are offered per course for each of the specialties: researcher (on-campus) and professional (on-line). As indicated by the enrolment data of 1st year, both the growing enrolment of the research path, as the stability of the corresponding professional pathway, around twenty new admissions, support the offer of 25 places a specialty. Demand has grown exponentially in recent years, covering all places with applications for first call from the course 2019-2020.