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Face-to-face advice

If you decide to choose this kind of advising, the technicians of the Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre  (OPAL) will be ready to help you and will, by means of face-to-face sessions, clarify your doubts, as for example: how to set the professional goal; what kind of training may improve your employability or your professional development; how to get a job abroad; what sort of grants may be interesting to you, etc.

Contact us and you will be helped by expert technicians in personalized sessions adapted to your needs.

Apply for an advising appointment

The activities of ADEIT-University Business Foundation  in which you can participate are:

  •  Individualized Tutoring

It comprises several individual sessions. The activities to be carried out are established in the first interview to make your insertion into the labour market as effective as possible. The contents of the action are developed according to your professional profile and requirements that you need (analysis of your CV, preparation of cover letters, practice of job interviews, specific information about your degree, etc.) Then, you can access the other activities where you will acquire those skills you need to practice in group.

  •  Job Search Group

In these sessions you will learn all those necessary tools and strategies for job search. In addition, you will learn the skills needed to search for a job in an active, organised and planned way.

  •  Interview Workshop

Since the interview is usually one of the stages through which one must pass to get a job, this workshop aims to help you in acquiring the knowledge needed to obtain good results. You will know its phases, your goals and the interviewer’s goals in the development of the questions, the basic behaviours and the workplace analysis.

  •  Development of Personal Aspects for the Job

Those skills and personal resources facilitating your job search (communication, autonomy, teamwork, leadership, etc.) are dealt through group sessions. This will allow you to deal more successfully your professional insertion itinerary.

To access the service you need to update your employment demand card in SERVEF (Valencian Employment and Training Service). Fill in the services application by checking the box “Orientación para el empleo” (Employment guidance) and providing us the following details: SERVEF Centre, registration date and next renewal, sending it to