The Institutional and Enterprise Chairs of the Universitat de València were created in 1993 as tools to direct the long-term collaborations of the Universitat with entities, institutions, enterprises, organisations and even individuals.
The Chairs of the Universitat are configured as collaborating tools with enterprises and external institutions, both public and private.
Due to their structural characteristics, the Chairs of the Universitat enable to achieve a stable and wide academic collaboration which reaches one or more areas of knowledge and extends its activities to all the areas of the university activity: teaching, research, innovation and dissemination of science, technology and culture.
This strategy is based, on the one hand, on the Law 49/2002, of 23 December 23, of tax regime for non-profit entities and tax incentives for sponsorship, which recognises as such donations, contributions and support to, among other organisations, public universities. On the other hand, this joint initiative is based on the objectives gathered in the University Constitution of the Universitat de València and in the compliance, on the part of the institutions, entities, organisations and enterprises of its original purposes and the main lines of action in terms of the social corporate responsibility