The Preliminary Title of the Statutes of the University of Valencia (UV) describes the nature and aims of our University and expressly defines our Mission in the following terms:
The University of Valencia, as a public service, is responsible for providing students with the teachings needed for their education, their preparation for professional practice or artistic activities and their obtaining, if appropriate, of the relevant academic qualifications, and for updating the knowledge and skills of its staff and lecturers at all levels of education. The University of Valencia encourages research, both basic and applied, and the scientific and technological development. Likewise, with its own guarantees of rationality and universality, it is an institution that spreads culture within society. The University of Valencia offers, stimulates and hosts intellectual and critical activities in all fields of culture and knowledge (Art. 3 of the Statutes of the UV approved by Decree 128/2004 and amended by Decree 45/2013).
Although this Mission has been adapted to different historical periods and environmental changes through a succession of visions and action plans in order to maintain the University’s leading position within the Valencian University System (Sistema Universitari Valencià, or SUV), essentially it has remained intact throughout the five centuries of the University’s history.
Year on year the UV occupies prominent positions in the most prestigious rankings for research activity and teaching quality. We are the top university in Europe for receiving students on mobility programmes and are signatory to important international agreements and conventions. At the same time, we maintain our roots in the surrounding area, thereby fulfilling our aim to be a key agent in the social structuring of the Valencian Community, a cultural agent of critical thought, and a fundamental actor in the transfer of knowledge and innovation.