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Faculthy of Economics of the University of Valencia.
Faculthy of Economics of the University of Valencia.

It is also the second in Spain in this ranking in Education and in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. On a global scale, the University of Valencia (UV) is among the top 200 academic institutions of higher education in the world in 15 of the 33 subjects analysed, among 2,000 centers. In the Spanish group, the institution is among the five best universities in 16 of the subjects, and in 29 of the 33 it leads the Valencian classification.

The indicators used in this ranking by subject are articles, citations, total publications, articles in international collaboration, impact articles and high impact citations, in the period between 2013 and 2017. URAP Field based Ranking is a non-profit organisation established at the Informatics Institute of the Technical University of the Middle East in 2009. It aims to develop a classification system for universities worldwide based on academic results determined by the quality and quantity of academic publications.

The University of Valencia improves in Economics, in which it is the first Spanish higher education centre and last year occupied the fourth position; in Food Engineering, it is first this year and was second in 2018; in Education, where it advances from third to second place; and in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, where it is now second and last year ranked seventh. In Zoology, in addition, the University of Valencia is the third in Spain.

The subjects in which the University of Valencia is among the two hundred best in the world are Food Engineering (position 34 in the world); Business (position 80, 115 in the year 2018); History (position 103 and 132 in the year 2018); Astronomy and Astrophysics (position 110); Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services (131); Physical Sciences (140) and Zoology (position 147 of the world). The rest of the subjects where UV is among the 200 best in the world are Dentistry (158), Chemical Sciences (164), Pharmacology (170), Education (190), Electrical and Electronic Engineering (190), Economics (191), Environmental Engineering (193) and Anthropology (195).

“These are very prominent results in a ranking that essentially values research and demonstrates the resilience of our researchers in a context of severe funding restrictions. But, ultimately, to the extent that in universities the teaching quality will only get to the level reached by the research, it reaffirms that it is on the right path in this area as well”, said Joaquín Aldás, vice-rector of Strategy, Quality and Information Technology of the University of Valencia.


More information (UV Analysis and Planning Service): http://ir.uv.es/7bsTdev

Access to the ranquing: https://www.urapcenter.org/