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In compliance with the Article 18.5 of Royal Decree 822/2021, which establishes the organisation of university education and the procedure for quality assurance, and Article 24 of the Universitat Politècnica de València’s regulations on pre-enrolment and admission to Master’s degrees, admission to this Master’s Degree requires completion of the following complementary training:

  • Acquisition and processing of medical signals (6 ECTS credits)
  • Acquisition and processing of medical images (6 ECTS credits)

These training complements will be determined by the Master’s Degree Committee for each student based on their undergraduate degree. They are not considered a prerequisite for admission and enrolment in the Master’s programme, but may be taken simultaneously.

Students who have been assigned complementary courses must register for them in the same academic year in which they begin the Master’s programme.

The optional courses, which require the learning outcomes obtained in the two complementary courses, will be offered to these students in the third semester of the Master’s.

Under no circumstances can the Master’s Degree be obtained without having passed these complementary courses.