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Adaptation to new undergratuate degrees

For students who did not complete a phased-out degree: Diplomatura (3-year Bachelor’s Degree), Ingeniería Técnica (3-year Degree in Engineering), Ingeniería (5-year Degree in Engineering) or a Licenciatura (5-year Bachelor’s Degree)

Completed subjects in your ‘old’ academic record will be validated by corresponding subjects in the new degree programme in accordance with the Equivalence Chart set for each degree (see below), establishing equivalences with previous degree programmes.

If the degree of correspondence between subjects is high, the grade/mark obtained in the original subject is also transferred. If two or more original subjects are needed to establish the equivalence, the transferred grade will be the weighted average. If the grade in one of the original subjects were an A+ (Sp. matrícula de honor), this will be also transferred to the new record if and only if the weighted average is higher than 9 (out of 10).

For the purposes of adaptation to the current degree programme, the following Equivalence Chart is used for reference, and the four exam attempts for each subject set by the regulations are observed

Equivalence chart for the current degree programme

Licenciado en Odontología (Plan 2000)

Previous degree Type of subject Type of subject Degree
Molecular and Cellular Biology Troncal Basic Training Bioquímica
General Cytology and Embryology Obligatorio Basic Training Biología
Epidemiology and Public Health Troncal Basic Training Bioestadística y salud pública
General and bbucal microbiology Obligatorio Basic Training Microbiología e inmunología
General and bbucal microbiology Troncal    
Regional and Dental Anatomy Obligatorio Basic Training Anatomía humana
Regional and Dental Anatomy Troncal    
General Development and Anatomy Troncal    
Human Bucal Physiology Obligatorio Basic Training Fisiología humana
Human Bucal Physiology Troncal Optativo Sensibilidad orofacial
General Humana Physiology Troncal    
Psychology Troncal Basic Training Psicología y comunicación
    Obligatorio Salud, sociedad y cultura
Human Bucodental Histology Obligatorio Basic Training Histología
Human Bucodental Histology Troncal    
General Human Histology Troncal    
Odontological materials, Equipment, Instrumentation and Ergonomy Obligatorio Basic Training Biomateriales y ergonomía I
Odontological materials, Equipment, Instrumentation and Ergonomy Troncal    
Introduction to Clinic and Laboratory Obligatorio Basic Training Biomateriales y ergonomía II
Protección Radiológica en la Clínica Dental Optativo Obligatorio Radiología y Protección Radiológica
General Radiology and Physical Medicine and Applied Physics Troncal    
Medical Pathology Troncal Obligatorio Patología médica general y pediatría
Pediatrics Troncal Obligatorio Manifestaciones orales de las enfermedades sistémicas
Surgical pathology and specialisation Troncal Obligatorio Patología quirúrgica
General Pathology of Anatomy Troncal Obligatorio Anatomía patológica
Pharmacology Troncal Obligatorio Farmacología, anestesia y reanimación
Preventive and Community Odontology Troncal Obligatorio Odontología preventiva y comunitaria I
    Obligatorio Odontología preventiva y comunitaria II
Bucal Surgery Troncal Obligatorio Cirugía bucal
Bucal medicine Troncal Obligatorio Medicina bucal
Dental Pathology and Therapy Troncal Obligatorio Patología dental, odontología conservadora y endodoncia I
Dental Prosthesis I Troncal Obligatorio Prótesis dental I
Odontopediatrics Troncal Obligatorio Odontopediatría
Introduction to Orthodontics Troncal Obligatorio Ortodoncia I
Periodontics Troncal Obligatorio Periodoncia
Dental Pathology and Therapeutics II Troncal Obligatorio Patología dental, odontología conservadora y endodoncia II
Dental Prosthesis II Troncal Obligatorio Prótesis dental II
Integrated Clinical Odontology for Adulos Troncal Obligatorio Practicum
Integrated Clinical Odontology for Children Troncal    
Integrated Clinical Odontology in special pateints Troncal Obligatorio Odontología en pacientes especiales
Legal and Forensic Odontology Troncal Obligatorio Documentación, profesionalismo y odontología forense
Clinical Orthodontics Troncal Obligatorio Ortodoncia II
Geri-odontology Optativo Obligatorio Gerodontología
Structural Odontological Anthropology Optativo Optativo Historia de la Odontología y Antropología dental
Dental History and Orthodontic Documentation Optativo    
Mixed Prosthesis and Prosthesis on Implants Optativo Optativo Prótesis mixta y prótesis sobre implantes
    Optativo Gestión y marketing en la clínica dental
Complementary medico-surgical techniques in Odontology Optativo Optativo Técnicas avanzadas de diagnóstico de la patología dental y cervico-facial.
Bioestadística Aplicada a Problemas en Ciencias de la Salud Optativo Optativo Introducción a la investigación en Odontología, publicación y difusión de resultados
    Obligatorio Inglés para Ciencias de la Salud