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General Electronic Registry

The Electronic Registry of the University of Valencia is a service whose purpose is to make possible for citizens or by the University's own users to use it for the submission of applications, writings and communications that are made electronically. The Electronic Registry works as an auxiliary registry of the General Registry of entry and exit of the University of Valencia. The Registry is operational every day of the year, at the Online Office, 24 hours a day, without prejudice to the interruptions necessary for technical reasons, which will be reported at the Online Office itself. Likewise, in cases of unplanned interruption in the operation of the telematic registration unit, a message will be displayed in which this circumstance is communicated, whenever possible.

We have an Integrated Management of Registration Services since January 20, 2022. This allows us to provide the service to any public body, covering both the management of entry and exit at the offices of the University of València, and the reception and sending to the processing units of the documentation.