Call for agreement and cooperation mobility
During the last decades the university institution has been radically transformed. The university system has experienced changes that are driven by an increasingly dynamic society that demands more qualified professionals. Within this framework, the University of Valencia faces, year after year, new challenges to improve quality in areas of university activity and thus to train the professionals that society needs. The University of Valencia is also aware of the high level of competitiveness of the Spanish university system and the need for internationalization. In this sense, grants are convened for the promotion of academic exchanges between the University of Valencia and other higher education institutions abroad.
Start date: 25/11/24 00:00:00
End date: 14/11/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility
application form
Start date: 18/09/24 00:00:00
End date: 30/09/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Personal data form for candidate researchers to be hired
Request for personal data investigación
Start date: 01/01/12 00:00:00
End date: 22/12/50 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Request to convene labor competition for the recruitment of research personnel in charge of projects, agreements and research contracts
application form
Start date: 08/01/13 15:00:00
End date: 22/12/99 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Application for certificates of the personal file to the PDI Human Resources Service of the University of València
Application for certificates of the personal file to the PDI Human Resources Service of the University of València
Start date: 16/06/11 00:00:00
End date: 31/12/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Application for Certificates to the Student Service
application form
Start date: 10/05/16 00:00:00
End date: 31/12/50 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Certificate of Management Doctoral Thesis
Application for Certificate of Participation in Doctoral Thesis
Start date: 17/11/14 12:00:00
End date: 31/12/40 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Request for teaching certificates to the PDI human resources service of the University of Valencia
application form
Start date: 16/06/11 00:00:00
End date: 31/12/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Servei de Llengües i Política Lingüística certificates
Procedure to obtain the Servei de Llengües i Política Lingüística certificates
Start date: 16/02/21 09:30:00
End date: 31/12/51 23:30:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Bustia SQF - UV post box for suggestions, complaints and compliments
Welcome to the Bústia de Suggeriments, Queixes i Felicitacions de la Universitat de València, the UV post box for suggestions, complaints and compliments.(SQF). Bústia SQF is mainly aimed at improving the quality of university activities. To this end, we require the commitment of all those interested in achieving such improvements. We invite you to participate by making your suggestions on how to improve our activities, your complaints about inconveniences caused and your compliments that help to identify the attitudes and skills that are most valued by users.
- The Sindicatura Universitària de Greuges is a university body that oversees the protection of the rights and freedoms of all members of the university community. - The Bústia de Suggeriments, Queixes i Felicitacions de la UV, or Bústia SQF, (a post box for submitting suggestions, complaints and compliments) is a tool to improve the quality of university activities, by serving as a mechanism for the participation of all those interested in improving such activities. Therefore, if you wish to make suggestions and compliments you can use Bústia UV. In the case of complaints, you can choose your preferred option (Bústia UV or Sindicatura de Greuges).
To get a better understanding of how Bústia SQF works, please check these links: - Rules of the UV post box for suggestions, complaints and compliments (Bústia SQF) - Questions frequently asked by users of Bústia UV - Download the paper instance if you want to make a presentation in person at the registration offices of the UV. - Help Guide.Start date: 13/09/12 10:00:00
End date: 31/12/50 13:40:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Complaint to Sindicatura de Greuges
We welcome you to the link that allows complaints to The Sindicatura Universitària de Greuges. The duties of the Sindicatura to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of members of the university community, compared to the actions of the various bodies and university services, although there is no violation of the law. In exercising these functions, the Trustee will identify issues affecting these rights, and shall, if necessary, recommendations to the appropriate body. (Article 1.1. of the Rules of Organization and Functioning of the Sindicatura de Greuges).
- The Sindicatura Universitària de Greuges is a university body that oversees the protection of the rights and freedoms of all members of the university community. - The Bústia de Suggeriments, Queixes i Felicitacions de la UV, or Bústia SQF, (a post box for submitting suggestions, complaints and compliments) is a tool to improve the quality of university activities, by serving as a mechanism for the participation of all those interested in improving such activities. Therefore, if you wish to make suggestions and compliments you can use Bústia UV. In the case of complaints, you can choose your preferred option (Bústia UV or Sindicatura de Greuges).
The Sindicatura de Greuges of the University of Valencia invites you to involve you in finding solutions to improve academic performance, so that everyone involved in the dissemination of a culture of responsibility in carrying out the tasks .Start date: 07/11/11 10:30:00
End date: 31/12/30 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Convocatòria d'ajudes per a estades temporals per a investigadors convidats
Convocatòria d'ajudes per a estades temporals per a investigadors convidats
Start date: 07/01/25 00:00:00
End date: 18/02/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
There is not an available title for this procedure in english
application form
Start date: 27/01/25 09:00:00
End date: 31/12/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Authorization form to fill out applications
This form will allow for the processing of future applications to authorized personnel. These requests are always accepted or abandoned by the authorizer.
Start date: 24/06/11 00:00:00
End date: 01/01/99 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
- No procedures
Start date: 11/02/25 00:00:00
End date: 23/02/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
application form
Start date: 30/06/23 09:00:00
End date: 30/06/50 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Acceptance or rejection of participation as a principal investigator in research teams
Acceptance or rejection of participation as a principal investigator in research teams
Start date: 09/04/19 09:30:00
End date: 22/12/50 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Application for payment of remuneration supplements for research staff participating in research and transfer activities
Application for payment of remuneration supplements for research staff participating in research and transfer activities
Start date: 18/05/21 09:00:00
End date: 31/12/32 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Authorization form to fill out applications
This form will allow for the processing of future applications to authorized personnel. These requests are always accepted or abandoned by the authorizer.
Start date: 24/06/11 00:00:00
End date: 01/01/99 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Call for agreement and cooperation mobility
During the last decades the university institution has been radically transformed. The university system has experienced changes that are driven by an increasingly dynamic society that demands more qualified professionals. Within this framework, the University of Valencia faces, year after year, new challenges to improve quality in areas of university activity and thus to train the professionals that society needs. The University of Valencia is also aware of the high level of competitiveness of the Spanish university system and the need for internationalization. In this sense, grants are convened for the promotion of academic exchanges between the University of Valencia and other higher education institutions abroad.
Start date: 25/11/24 00:00:00
End date: 14/11/25 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Exhibition and request of any circumstance for units of the University of Valencia
Start date: 01/06/20 00:00:00
End date: 26/03/30 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Registration of institutional accounts in Social Networks for bodies, services and units of the UV
application form
Start date: 27/01/16 08:00:00
End date: 31/12/40 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.
Request for report to the Ethics Committee
Request for report to the Ethics Committee
Start date: 09/04/19 09:30:00
End date: 20/12/00 10:30:00
Access level: Authentication through at least a user, a key or a digital certificate is needed to carry out the procedure.
Right of access to public information (Transparency portal)
The purpose of this procedure is to make it easier for any citizen to exercise the right of access to public information established in article 37 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common and Regulated Administrative Procedure. in Law 2/2015, of April 2, on Transparency, Good Governance and Citizen Participation of the Valencian Community.
Start date: 05/10/18 13:00:00
End date: 31/12/99 23:59:00
Access level: Authentication through an Office User is not supported to carry out the procedure.