The Bohr radius of a Banach space 
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications vol 201 (2009), 59-65.

(with Van Neerven,) J. Spaces of operator-valued functions measurable with respect to the strong operator topology 
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications vol 201 (2009), 65-78.

(with   S Pott,Embeddings between operator-valued dyadic BMO spaces 
Illinois Math. J. 52(3), 799-819

Some aspects of vector-valued singular integrals
Recent Developments in Real and Harmonic Analysis (Edited by C. Cabrelli, J.L. Torrea, in honor C. Segovia.) (2009), 37-56

On the unit ball of operator-valued H2 functions.
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications.  vol 195 (2009), n1, 73-82.

Operator-valued BMO and commutators  .
Publ.Mat.  53 (2009), n1, 231-244.

(with J. Fourier, I. Schoemann) On operator valued sequences of multipliers and $R$-boundedness.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 328 (2007), no. 1, 7--23.

Introduction to Vector-valued Bergman spaces. Function spaces and operator Theory. (Joensuu  2003),
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Remarks on Operator-valued BMO spaces.
Rev. Uni. Mat. Argentina, 45 (2004), 63-78

On  coefficients of vector valued Bloch functions.
Studia Math. 165 (2), (2004) 101-110

(with M. Pavlovic) Complex convexity and vector-valued Littlewood-Paley inequalities
Bull. London Math. Soc. 35, (2003) 749-758.

(with J. L. Arregui) Vector-valued Bergman and Bloch spaces.
Math. Nach. 261/262, (2003)3-22

(with  J. L. Arregui)   Multipliers on vector-valued Bergman spaces
Canadian J. Math. 54 (6), (2002) 1165-1186.

(with  P. Gregori) Type and cotype in vector-valued Nakano sequence spaces
J. of Math. Anal. Appl. 264, (2001) 657-672.  

Vector-Valued Hardy inequalities and B-convexity
Ark. Mat. 38,(2000)  21-36.

Remarks on vector-valued BMOA and vector-valued multipliers
Positivity 4, (2000) 39-356.

(with J. L. Arregui}  Convolution of three functions by means of bilinear maps and applications.
 Illinois J.of Math. 43,(1999)  264--280.

(with  J.L. Arregui) On the Bloch space and convolution of functions in the $L^p$-valued case.
Collectanea Math.  48 , (1997) 363--373.

Vector valued analytic functions of bounded mean oscillation and geometry of Banach spaces.
Illinois J. of Math.41, (1997) 532-557.

On the area function on $H^1(\sigma_p)$.
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A characterization of Hilbert spaces in terms of multipliers between spaces of vector-valued analytic functions.
Michigan  Math. J. 42, (1995) 537--543.

A note on vector valued Hardy and Paley inequalities.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 115,(1992) 87-91.

(with A.Pe\l czynski) Theorems of Hardy and Paley for vector valued analytic functions and related classes of Banach spaces.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.   323, (1991) 335--367 .

(with  Q. Xu) Interpolation of vector valued Hardy spaces.
 J.  Funct. Anal.  102,  (1991) 331--359.

Spaces of analytic functions and applications.
London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 158, (1990) 33-48 .

Vector valued Hardy spaces from Operator Theory.
 London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series   138, (1989) 52-60 .

Operators from $H^1$ into a Banach space and vector valued measures.
 London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series   140, (1989) 87-93.

Vector-valued harmonic functions and cone absolutely summing operators.
Illinois J. of Math.   33, (1989) 292-300 .

Interpolation between $H^1(B_0)$ and $L^p(B_1)$.
Studia Math.  92, (1989) 205-210 .

 Boundary values of functions in vector-valued Hardy spaces and geometry on Banach spaces.
J. Funct. Anal.  78 , (1988)346-364 .

 On the dual of H^{1,\infty}_B.
Colloquium Math.    55, (1988) 253-259.

Hardy spaces of vector-valued functions: duality.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.    308, ((1988) 495-507 .

Boundary values of vector-valued harmonic functions considered as operators.
Studia Math.   86 , (1987) 19-33 .

(with J. García-Cuerva ) Hardy classes of  Banach-space-valued distributions.
Math. Nachr.     132 , (1987)  57-65  .

Boundary values of vector-valued functions in Orlicz-Hardy classes.
Arch. Math.   49, (1987) 434-439 .

Les valeurs sur la frontière des fonctions de  H^p_B(D), (1< p<\infty)
Actas VII G.M.E.L,   II, (1896), 53-56.