The series of conferences ‘otoño-invierno’ of Unisocietat is still available during January in all county seats

Conferència de Roberto Pérez Salom (catedràtic de Dret Internacional Públic) en la seu d’UNISOCIETAT l’Eliana. 16 de novembre de 2016.

Benetússer, Cullera, Quart de Poblet, Massamagrell, l’Eliana, Gandia, Ontinyent, Paterna, Requena and Alzira will host the presentations of this educational series of conferences organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation with the aim of complementing the academic year of UNISOCIETAT. The conferences are free of charge for the rest of citizens of the town and its surroundings.

The first presentations will take place on Wednesday 11 January. Benetússer (Horta Sud) will host the presentation given by Professor Matilde Fernández (Department of Finance Business) at the Cultural Centre “El Molí”. The presentation is about the indebtedness in the personal finance. The same day, Professor Emilio Barba (Microbiology and Ecology) will give a conference titled ‘Selección sexual: ¿amor o interés en la elección de pareja?’ at the Auditori Municipal of Cullera (Ribera Baixa).  

On Thursday 12 January, there will be a talk about the problem of the emerging contaminants at the Cultural Centre of Quart de Poblet (Horta Oest) in hand of Professor Yolanda Picó (Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Food Science, Toxicology and Legal Medicine).  

Massamagrell (Horta Nord) will host on Tuesday 17 January the conference ‘Antes del feminismo contemporáneo. Defensas de la igualdad de los sexos en el pasado de Europa’, at its Cultural Centre. The conference is given by Professor Mònica Bolufer (Department of Modern and Contemporary History). 

The conferences of ‘Unimajors’ Gandia (name of the specific programme which is well-known in the capital of la Safor) and l’Eliana (Camp de Túria) will take place on Wednesday 18 January. The International Centre of Gandia will receive Professor Manuel Costa, emeritus professor of Botany at the UV who will address the particularities of the Mediterranean climate beyond its basin. In the Adult Education Centre of l’Eliana will take place the conference ‘La construcción de un presente y un futuro sostenibles: un reto para toda la ciudadanía’. The people who attend these conferences could discover more about this subject through the thesis of Amparo Vilches (Department of Experimental and Social Sciences). 

The series of conferences of UNISOCIETAT will arrive at three county seats on 19 January: Ontinyent Campus, Paterna and Requena. Professor Juan Vte. García Marsilla (History of Art) will give a talk at the capital of la Vall d’Albaida. The talk is titled ’Leyendo imágenes medievales. Códigos y mensajes de un lenguaje diferente’. In Paterna, capital of the l’Horta Nord, Félix Ruiz (Applied Economics) will give a presentation about mathematics and statistics of the day-to-day. And Requena (Meseta de Requena-Utiel) will count on the conference of Antonio Domenech (Analytical Chemistry) titled ’Autentificación y datación de obras de arte’.

The last conference will take place in Alzira (Ribera Alta) on 24 January. Professor Isabel Fariñas (Celular Biology, Functional Biology and Physical Anthropology) will explain her academic experience with the audience by a conference titled ‘La comprensión de nosotros mismos en la era de la revolución celular’. 

The series of conferences UNISOCIETAT, which will continue every month throughout this academic year until June, has been organised by the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, with the collaboration of the local governments of Ontinyent, Quart de Poblet, Cullera, Massamagrell, l’Eliana, Gandia, Alzira, Paterna and Requena, and the financial support of Caixa Popular and Caixa Ontinyent (in la Vall d’Albaida). Its objective is to complement academic courses of the programme ‘Unisocietat’, which bring together more than 1.500 enrolled students in the academic year 2016-2017.

Last update: 11 de january de 2017 13:28.

News release