The Vision on which the work of the University of Valencia will be based over the next four years was outlined in the electoral programme defended at the last election by the current Executive Council.

This Vision has to be integrated within the series of social, economic and regulatory changes that have taken place over recent years – months even – and which present numerous challenges for the period that extends from 2023 to 2026. Some of these challenges are to:

Maintain a university education of excellence, a fundamental function of universities, as established in the basic regulations of the Spanish University System (Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on the University System (LOSU), Art. 6). To do so requires transmitting both the knowledge and the competences and skills inherent to that knowledge which students must acquire to obtain a university qualification, and to achieve that aim in full compliance with the quality standards established within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Maintain the UV in a position of excellence in scientific research and transfer to the productive system and society while making a clear commitment to attracting and retaining talent and promoting research excellence. Research and transfer must also be at the service of the best university teaching.

Continue to deploy digital transformation in management and every University activity without losing the differential element of presence – the key to acquiring skills and values through university life.

Maintain and increase lifelong training for our teaching and research staff (personal docent i investigador, or PDI) and technical, management and administrative and service staff (personal tècnic, de gestió i d’administració i serveis, or PTGAS[1]). As well as enabling all our staff to perform their functions better, lifelong training is to coexist with the planned staff renewal intended to correct the dysfunctions created by the restriction imposed for years on public administrations, especially with regard to replacement rates, which has caused an increase in the average age of our staff and a slowdown in the processes of stabilisation and promotion for our PDI and PTGAS.

Promote the principles of responsible, effective and efficient management in order to optimise the proper use of public resources.

Maintain and increase our commitment to sustainability and an inclusive university based on the principles of equality and diversity.

Maintain the UV as a leading cultural agent that transfers knowledge and culture beyond its campuses.

Adapt our own policies and regulatory frameworks to the requirements set by the LOSU.

Incorporate those aspects contemplated in the Multiannual Financing Plan (Pla Plurianual de Finançament, PPF) of the Valencian Public University System (Sistema Públic Universitari Valencià, SPUV), especially those related to financing by objectives through the so-called Quality Improvement Fund.

Incorporate the requirements of legislative changes in other regulations that directly affect areas of competence of public universities, including Law 17/2022, which amends Law 14/2011 on Science, Technology and Innovation; Royal Decree Law 32/2021, on urgent measures for labour reform, the guarantee of employment stability, and the transformation of the labour market; and Law 3/2022, of 24 February, on university coexistence.

This Vision of the UV to be a modern university, the leader of the SPUV, and an institution able to turn new challenges and demands into opportunities for improving its levels of excellence and service to society is the goal with which this UV Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 (PEUV 2023-2026) is formulated.


1 New terminology introduced by the LOSU corresponding to the former PAS (personal d’administració i serveis, or administrative and service staff).