Econcult develops an indicator map for the Cotec Foundation 02/10/24 An Innovative indicator map for the Cotec Foundation that boosts the analysis of the impact of culture on socioeconomic development[Read more]
Econcult will investigate the economic impact of Musical Societies in the Valencian Community through the FSMCV 24/09/24 The Musical Societies are undoubtedly a complex phenomenon that considerably transcends its musical dimension, setting up a universe of services[Read more]
Raul Abeledo, member of the evaluation committee of the new publication of the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development 23/09/24 The Spanish Network for Sustainable Development has promoted the publication “Culture in sustainable development initiatives” in which Professor Raul Abeledo has been part of the evaluation...[Read more]
Jordi Sanjuan finalist for the ENCATC award 20/09/24 Jordi Sanjuan's finalist research is part of the already concluded European project MESOC, led by Econcult[Read more]
Jordi Sanjuan's thesis is a finalist in the ENCACT awards for research work. 17/07/24 Econcult is proud to announce that Jordi Sanjuán Belda, a researcher in our unit, is one of the finalists for the prestigious 2024 ENCATC Research Award in Cultural Policy and Cultural Management.[Read more]
Sense Madrid 08/05/24 The Faculty of Economics hosts a conference on the external projection of Spain's cultures. Sense Madrid. Sen Madrid. Madril Gabe' has the collaboration of the Observatori Cultural de la Universitat...[Read more]
Pau Rausell participates in the 1st Ibero-American Meeting of Culture of the OEI in Brazil 04/04/24 The week of 8 to 13 April the I Ibero-American Meeting of Culture of the OEI will be held in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia in Brazil.[Read more]
You can already watch the inaugural talk of the conference CCI. A RISING VALUE. 22/02/24 The conference, to be held on the morning of 28 February, will be inaugurated by the President of the Goverment Pedro Sánchez, and CEOE President Antonio Garamendi.[Read more]
Cremar museus, biblioteques i centres culturals?. Jornada dimecres 17 11/01/24 Econcult amb l'Observatori Cultural de la UVEG i en colaboració amb l'ETNO i la Facultat d'Economia organitzen una jornada sobre el paper dels equipaments culturals al S. XXI[Read more]
ECONCULT WISHES YOU A GOOD HOLIDAY SEASON 20/12/23 The Economics of Culture Research Unit and all its members wish you a happy festive season[Read more]
The SICCRED Platform, part of the MESOC project, is presented in Madrid 11/12/23 Under the auspices of the II Autumn Conference on Culture Law: Financing Systems, organised by the Gabeiras Foundation, Pau Rausell will present the SICCRED platform for calculating the impact of...[Read more]
Econcult takes part in the birth of Radical Creativities 11/12/23 A new publishing project dedicated to catalysing innovative ideas about the future of culture and creativity. Situated at the intersection between the academic publication, the art book and the news...[Read more]
Pau Rausell participates in the International Forum on New Frontiers in Design Research en el International Forum on New Frontiers in Design Research 02/12/23 The prestigious TDRI (Taiwan Design Research Institute) invites Pau Rausell to the event within the framework of the Taipei Design Week.[Read more]
Pau Rausell, director of Econcult, participates in the program "Cadena de Valor" 23/11/23 Pau Rausell Köster, director of the Research Unit in Economics of Culture and Tourism of the Universitat de València, is interviewed in the À punt program together with Sara Joudi, gallery owner and...[Read more]
Pau Rausell and Jordi Sanjuán collaborate in the drafting of the "Report on the State of Culture in Spain 2023" 21/11/23 Pau Rausell and Jordi Sanjuán have contributed to the preparation of the "Report on the situation of culture in Spain 2023". This report provides detailed information and highlights the participation...[Read more]
Econcult participa en una mesa redonda en Santiago y en un seminario en Las Palmas 17/11/23 Pau Rausell participa en una mesa redonda organizadad por el Consello da Cultura Galego e imparte un seminario de la Cátedra Cultura, Desarrollo y Territorio de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran...[Read more]
Pau Rausell imparteix un conferència a La Seu d'Urgell proper divendres 20 17/10/23 L'acte tindrà lloc divendres vinent, 20 d’octubre, a les vuit del vespre, a la Sala de la Immaculada, en el marc del nou cicle de conferències 'La importància de la cultura'. Pau Rausell oferirà una...[Read more]
Jornada: ¿Ganar dinero financiando la cultura? 15/10/23 El martes 24 de Octubre Jornada ¿Ganar dinero financiando la cultura?. Salón de Grados. Facultat d'Economia. 10:30-13:30[Read more]