European algorithmic sovereignty. An Econcult podcast 11/10/24 This AI-generated podcast discusses the role of algorithms in our cultural decisions. Elaborated with a text by Pau Rausell [In English][Read more]
Jordi Sanjuan finalist for the ENCATC award 20/09/24 Jordi Sanjuan's finalist research is part of the already concluded European project MESOC, led by Econcult[Read more]
Francesc Felipe participates in the Mediaflow 2024 Congress 18/09/24 Mediaflows 2024 Congress is held at the University of Valencia from September 18 to 20, and presents as its central theme "Citizenship in the digital media sphere"[Read more]
Fernando Álvarez participates in a conference on Input-Output Tables 02/09/24 The Econcult researcher participates in an academic event on Input-Output analysis in Gijon[Read more]
Sense Madrid 08/05/24 The Faculty of Economics hosts a conference on the external projection of Spain's cultures. Sense Madrid. Sen Madrid. Madril Gabe' has the collaboration of the Observatori Cultural de la Universitat...[Read more]
Pau Rausell participates in the 1st Ibero-American Meeting of Culture of the OEI in Brazil 04/04/24 The week of 8 to 13 April the I Ibero-American Meeting of Culture of the OEI will be held in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia in Brazil.[Read more]
You can already watch the inaugural talk of the conference CCI. A RISING VALUE. 22/02/24 The conference, to be held on the morning of 28 February, will be inaugurated by the President of the Goverment Pedro Sánchez, and CEOE President Antonio Garamendi.[Read more]
Cremar museus, biblioteques i centres culturals?. Jornada dimecres 17 11/01/24 Econcult amb l'Observatori Cultural de la UVEG i en colaboració amb l'ETNO i la Facultat d'Economia organitzen una jornada sobre el paper dels equipaments culturals al S. XXI[Read more]
ECONCULT WISHES YOU A GOOD HOLIDAY SEASON 20/12/23 The Economics of Culture Research Unit and all its members wish you a happy festive season[Read more]
The SICCRED Platform, part of the MESOC project, is presented in Madrid 11/12/23 Under the auspices of the II Autumn Conference on Culture Law: Financing Systems, organised by the Gabeiras Foundation, Pau Rausell will present the SICCRED platform for calculating the impact of...[Read more]
Econcult takes part in the birth of Radical Creativities 11/12/23 A new publishing project dedicated to catalysing innovative ideas about the future of culture and creativity. Situated at the intersection between the academic publication, the art book and the news...[Read more]
Pau Rausell participates in the International Forum on New Frontiers in Design Research en el International Forum on New Frontiers in Design Research 02/12/23 The prestigious TDRI (Taiwan Design Research Institute) invites Pau Rausell to the event within the framework of the Taipei Design Week.[Read more]
Econcult participa en una mesa redonda en Santiago y en un seminario en Las Palmas 17/11/23 Pau Rausell participa en una mesa redonda organizadad por el Consello da Cultura Galego e imparte un seminario de la Cátedra Cultura, Desarrollo y Territorio de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran...[Read more]
Pau Rausell imparteix un conferència a La Seu d'Urgell proper divendres 20 17/10/23 L'acte tindrà lloc divendres vinent, 20 d’octubre, a les vuit del vespre, a la Sala de la Immaculada, en el marc del nou cicle de conferències 'La importància de la cultura'. Pau Rausell oferirà una...[Read more]
Jornada: ¿Ganar dinero financiando la cultura? 15/10/23 El martes 24 de Octubre Jornada ¿Ganar dinero financiando la cultura?. Salón de Grados. Facultat d'Economia. 10:30-13:30[Read more]
Jordi Sanjuán, member of Econcult, wins the Award for the Best Research in Young Valencian Economy at the VIII Whorkshop of Valencian Economy 29/09/23 On September 29, the VIII Valencian Economy Workshop took place in the city of Valencia, in which the member of the Culture Research Unit, Jordi Sanjuán, won the Prize for the Best Research in...[Read more]
Assessing culture in the age of big data and artificial intelligence 18/09/23 Pau Rausell will give the inaugural lecture at the seminar on cultural evaluation indicators and public cultural policies.[Read more]
ESTRATÈGIES D'INTERNACIONALITZACIÓ I INOVACIÓ PER AL SECTOR CULTURAL 07/09/23 Durant dos dies, diferents agents culturals locals i especialistes del sector cultural i creatiu es reuniran al voltant de taules rodones, debats i conferències per identificar les sinergies...[Read more]