Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Captura tipología de documentación The manager can associate documents to the file/item, by means of a screen that will require the typology of the document, based on what is indicated by the Technical Interoperability Standards of the National Interoperability Scheme.

In the management of business processes, there may be portions of work that are common to more than one procedure. If desired, these sub-procedures can be created in such a way that any other channel/procedure can create them "on the fly" at any time during the management. To do this, the first button in the header "Launch Procedure" will be used.

Captura porciones de trabajo comunes a mas de 1 procedimiento


To consult, at any time, the dossiers associated to a dossier, the second button of the header "Associated dossiers" can be used. This includes, on the one hand, the dossiers of other procedures that depend on this dossier, and separately those that are notification dossiers.

Captura ventana expedientes asociados
Associated files window