Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Following the approval and entry into force of Law 39/2015, of 1st October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administration, which includes forecasts relating to the electronic register, including the obligation of all Public Administration to have a general electronic register, the deadline for which is 2nd April 2021, as set out in the seventh final provision of the Law 39/2015, amended by the Royal Decree Law 28/2020, of 22th September, on teleworking. These registers must be fully interoperable and will be assisted by the register assistance offices.

The objective is to establish general procedures and recommendations for all the users of the Sistema de Interconexión de Registros (SIR) (Record Interconnection System) platform, through any of the more than 35 registration solutions integrated in this platform. Either in the OAMR or in the Processing Units, as is the case, for example, with the shared registry service GEISER (Gestión Integrada de Servicios de Registro).

EThe Registry Interconnection System (SIR) is a computer platform that allows the exchange of electronic registry entries between Public Administrations in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Law 39/2015 and in a secure manner and in accordance with the technical regulations in force, including the Technical Regulations on Interoperability of Electronic documents; Digitalisation of documents; Authentic copy and conversion and that of the Data Model for the exchange of entries between Registry Entities, all of which derive from the National Interoperability Scheme (R.D. 4/2010).

GEISER is a comprehensive registry solution that works in cloud mode to provide the service for any public body, covering both the management of its entry/exit registry offices and the reception and sending of records at the processing units to which the documentation is sent.

The GEISER registry service is the main component of the Shared Registry Management Service. The application allows the digitalisation of the documentation presented by the citizen in the offices, and as it is SICRES 3.0 certified, it enables the exchange of registers in electronic format with other bodies connected to the SIR platform.

This figure of shared services, created by Royal Decree 806/2014, of 19 September, is one of the fundamental operational instruments of the new ICT governance and falls within strategic objective 3 of the Strategy "Greater efficiency in the provision of ICT services", specifically action line 6 "Shared provision of common services".