Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

GEISER (Spanish Integrated Registry Services Management) is the entry/exit registration service offered by the cloud of services of the general state administration for digital integration of e-administration following the entry into force of Spanish laws 39/2015 and 40/2015.

GEISER, is mainly supported by 2 other services: DIR3 y SIR.

  1. The DIR3 Directory Service provides an organic breakdown of the units of each administrative body. The University owns offices which provide registration services to its management units or bodies. All of them are registered in DIR3.
  2. The SIR Registry Interconnection System provides national connectivity, allowing all types of administrations to be effectively connected: local, regional and national, with the other administrations or public law entities.

GEISER can be integrated with other applications through an online service called GEISER REGECO.

At UV, GEISER is integrated for the time being in:

  • UV Online Office – generates input and output notes.
  • Valija – generates incoming and outgoing notes by the Office associated with the destination or origin of the message


UV Registry Offices

Each campus of the University of Valencia has offices which serve geographically proximate units or services.

There are 24 registry offices:

1 Head Registry Office: in Blasco Ibáñez Campus

22 Auxiliary offices:
7 Burjassot-Paterna Campus
8 Blasco Ibáñez Campus
6 Tarongers Campus
1 Ontinyent Campus

1 Online auxiliary office:

The Online Registry Office is used by the Online Office. It registers all incoming applications and all outgoing decisions.

Previous definitions to understand GEISER