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Actions which can be carried out at the support office regarding origin Registry Office

Citizens can submit documents at the origin Registry Office. The Office staff must carry out various checks and actions registering each entry and sending of the corresponding register. 

The origin Registry Office is obliged to accept any document, application or communication addressed to a public administration body.

According to the Spanish law (art. 68.4 Llei 39/2015), if any of the parties subject to the electronic relationship submits an application in person, it will be advised that the competent administrative body in that area of action will require them to rectify it by submitting it electronically, whenever the receiving body is connected to the Registry Interconnection System (SIR). Submission date of the application will be considered to be the date on which the rectification was made, so that the on-site application takes effect from the rectification and not from its on-site submission (art. 68.4 Llei 39/2015).

According to Spanish law (article 16.8 de la Llei 39/2015), documents and information whose special regime establishes another form of presentation shall not be considered to have been submitted in the register. In these cases, the administrative body responsible for the procedure shall notify the interested party of this circumstance, reporting the requirements of the specific applicable law.

Once the entry has been sent through SIR, as a general rule, the paper documents are returned to the interested party immediately after being digitalised, except for those cases in which the regulation determines the custody of the documents submitted, in which case they will be sent to the competent body for the processing of the procedure.

The GEISER (Spanish Integrated Registry Services Management) service offers the following features for public registry offices:

  • Registration of entries in the official registry, allowing the digitalisation of the documentation submitted by the citizen.
  • Referral of documentation to the processing units.
  • Exchange with other registry offices via the SIR platform.
  • Management of rejections and re-submissions of entries.
  • Validation of outgoing entries issued by the processing units.
  • Management of physical documentation shipments.
  • Logbook management: copy templates, listings, searches, editing, etc.
  • The following features in the processing units:
  • Receipt of the documentation sent by the registry office, with the possibility of rejection and resubmission.
  • Referral of entries to sub-units within the unit itself.
  • Exchange of records with other processing units.
  • Generation of official outgoing entries, both to organisations (with the possibility of electronic format for those integrated in the Registry Interconnection System, SIR) and to citizens.
  • Management of own sub-units.
  • Management of an internal input/output register.

GEISER has interconnection services with other applications.
These services cover different types of functionalities.

Further information on: https://rgecopruebas.preappjava.seap.minhap.es/