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When a citizen or an administrative body submits any application, statement or paper addressed to another body, public institution or public administration, and does so before one of the OAMRs integrated in the SIR (Record Interconnection System), such documentation will be sent in electronic format to any other Registry Office that is also integrated in the SIR, regardless of its geographical location. The updated list of the Administrations and their related or dependent bodies or institutions which have OAMRs integrated in the SIR, is daily updated in all the registration solutions included in the SIR.

The Origin and Destination Registry Offices can use different registration solutions that allow the sending and reception of registry entries and documents through the SIR.


The GEISER registry service is the main piece of the Shared Registry Management Service included among the 14 shared services of the ICT Strategy.

The GEISER service is currently mandatory for the entire General State Administration (Administration General del Estado, AGE) and its public bodies. The Executive Committee of the ICT Strategy Commission may authorise the exception for those units that have specific registration solutions in operation and provide the equivalent or superior functionalities to those of the shared service, when they justify that the cost structure of their solution, the costs of migration to the shared solution and the specific requirements and integration with its architecture make it advisable to maintain the specific solution, as well as when reasons for the inability of the common service to implement specific functionalities identified as essential for the Management of the Body are evident. In all cases, without exception, the integration with the SIR of the specific solutions will be compulsory, in accordance with the Spanish Interoperability Framework (Esquema Nacional de Interoperabilidad, ENI) and the legal requirements set out in Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations (https://boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2015-10565).

The incorporation of an entity into the system can be carried out immediately, as the system known as GEISER, developed by the SGAD, currently meets the requirements of this comprehensive registration solution and is fully operational.
However, the body that joins the service will have to adapt its human (training and qualification of users), material (installation of scanners at the users' posts) and technical (integration with sectoral applications, where appropriate) resources.

GEISER is a comprehensive registration solution suitable for any public body, provided in cloud mode and which provides the services of Electronic Registration, On-site Registration, Internal and External Registration Exchange (through the Record Interconnection System platform, SIR).

Its main characteristics are:

  • Use in service mode (in the cloud).
  • It only requires an Internet connection from the SARA Network, a digital certificate and a scanner.
  • It has its own register book so it can be used to register its own entries as well as those destined to other Administrations (through the SIR platform).
  • It has web services that allow GEISER information to be used by other systems or applications.
  • It allows the distribution of the registry entries to the processing units.

It is currently offered for use within the State Administration by means of an agreement. For more information about the legal instrument for requesting the service:


Other administrations interested in GEISER can contact https://ssweb.seap.minhap.es/ayuda/consulta/geiser

The GEISER application covers all the needs of managing the documentation submitted by citizens at the administrations' on-site registry offices, as well as the registration needs of the electronic sites. It also covers the management of the reception and dispatch of records between the processing units receiving the documentation served by the registry offices equipped with GEISER.

GEISER ensures the elimination of the movement of paper through the digitalisation of the documentation submitted by the citizen in the offices, complying with the Spanish Interoperability Framework, the exchange of records in electronic format with all the administrations integrated in the SIR, and integration with the processing applications for the exchange of entries and documentation, as well as the legal requirements contemplated in Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations (https://boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2015-10565 ).

At the registry offices, GEISER manages the entry/exit log books, allowing both traditional paper management and digitalisation of the documentation submitted, in compliance with the Technical Standards for Interoperability and with full legal guarantee.

GEISER allows the exchange with other organisations integrated in the SIR platform as it has the SICRES 3.0 certification, as well as managing the exchange of physical documentation with any unit of the different Public Administrations.

In the processing units, GEISER manages all its documentation exchanges in both physical and electronic formats:

  • Reception of documentation from the registry office.
  • Creation of official outputs for other bodies (allowing them to be sent in electronic format via SIR for those bodies that are integrated) or for citizens.
  • Exchange with other processing units of the organisation.