Resultats de la cerca46 resultats
Aportacions al procés d'anotació en Realitat Augmentada
Autora: Inmaculada García Pereira Directors: Dr. Pedro Morillo, Dr. Jesús Gimeno
(2022). Tesi -
Visualització del contingut de grafs de coneixement del patrimoni cultural
Autor: Javier Sevilla Peris Directors: Dr. J. Javier Samper Zapater; Dr. Marcos Fernández Marín
(2022). Tesi -
Anàlisi comparativa de dos sistemes de realitat virtual immersiva en la integració i visualització de la interacció natural de les mans
Guillermo Molina, Jesús Gimeno, Cristina Portalés, Sergio Casas
(2022). ArticleMultimedia Tools and Applications. Num.Vol. 81, 6, pàgines 7733–7758
Està generalment acceptat que l'ús de la interacció natural proporciona un impacte positiu en les aplicacions de Realitat Virtual (RV). Per tant, és important comprendre quina és la millor manera d'integrar i visualitzar esta característica en la RV. Per aquesta raó, en aquest article es presenta un estudi comparatiu de la integració de la interacció natural amb les mans en dos sistemes de RV immersiva: un sistema Cave Audio Visual Experience (CAVE) -en el qual les mans reals dels usuaris són visibles- i un sistema Head-Mounted Display (HMD) no visible -en el qual només és possible una representació virtual de les mans-. Amb la finalitat de comprovar la idoneïtat d'utilitzar aquest tipus...
Està generalment acceptat que l'ús de la interacció natural proporciona un impacte positiu en les aplicacions de Realitat Virtual (RV). Per tant, és important comprendre quina és la millor manera d'integrar i visualitzar esta característica en la RV. Per aquesta raó, en aquest article es presenta un estudi comparatiu de la integració de la interacció natural amb les mans en dos sistemes de RV immersiva: un sistema Cave Audio Visual Experience (CAVE) -en el qual les mans reals dels usuaris són visibles- i un sistema Head-Mounted Display (HMD) no visible -en el qual només és possible una representació virtual de les mans-. Amb la finalitat de comprovar la idoneïtat d'utilitzar aquest tipus d'interacció en un CAVE i comparar-la amb un HMD, plantegem sis preguntes d'investigació relacionades amb el rendiment de la tasca, la usabilitat i les diferències de percepció respecte a la interacció natural de les mans amb estos dos sistemes. Per a respondre a aquestes preguntes, dissenyem un experiment en el qual els usuaris han de completar una tasca d'agafar i col·locar amb pilotes virtuals i una tasca d'escriptura de text amb teclats virtuals. En tots dos sistemes es va fer servir la mateixa tecnologia de seguiment, basada en un dispositiu Leap Motion. Fins on sabem, aquest és el primer treball acadèmic que aborda una comparació d'aquest tipus. Durant els experiments es van arreplegar dades objectives i subjectives. Els resultats mostren que el HMD té un avantatge de rendiment, preferència i usabilitat sobre la CAVE respecte a la integració de la interacció natural de la mà. No obstant això, els resultats també demostren que el sistema CAVE pot usar-se amb èxit en combinació amb un dispositiu òptic de seguiment de la mà.
Llegir més Ocultar DOI: -
Evaluation of an Intervention Program Based on Mobile Apps to Learn Sexism Prevention in Teenagers
Pedro Morillo, José J. Navarro-Pérez, Juan Manuel Orduña, Marcos Fernández
(2022). ArticleAcm Transactions On Multimedia Computing Communications And Applications. Num.Vol. 18, 2, pages 1–20
The fight against sexism is nowadays one of the flagship social movements in western countries. Adolescence is a crucial period, and some empirical studies have focused on the socialization of teenagers, proving that the socialization with the surrounding environment prevent sexist practices. In a previous work, we developed and tested the effectiveness of a mobile app, called Liad@s, with the goals of helping teenagers to prevent sexism and build healthy couple relationships. In this article, we carry out a study where (using a real situation) we compare the effectiveness of the Liad@s app in front of traditional interventions like a workshop about sexism for teenagers. Also, we evaluate...
The fight against sexism is nowadays one of the flagship social movements in western countries. Adolescence is a crucial period, and some empirical studies have focused on the socialization of teenagers, proving that the socialization with the surrounding environment prevent sexist practices. In a previous work, we developed and tested the effectiveness of a mobile app, called Liad@s, with the goals of helping teenagers to prevent sexism and build healthy couple relationships. In this article, we carry out a study where (using a real situation) we compare the effectiveness of the Liad@s app in front of traditional interventions like a workshop about sexism for teenagers. Also, we evaluate the usability of the app and the user satisfaction with this application. In this study, our primary hypothesis is that the effectiveness of using our mobile application, in terms of knowledge acquired about sexism, would be at least as good as attending the workshop. Our secondary hypothesis is that the user satisfaction with the mobile application would be higher than the one with the workshop, causing a preference for the app. The results of this study show significant differences in learning appeared between gender and between the two different procedures when separately evaluating the data collected from both hostile sexism (HS) and benevolent sexism (BS) questionnaires. These results validate our primary hypothesis. Also, most of the population under study preferred the mobile app in front of the traditional workshop, validating also our secondary hypothesis.
Llegir més Ocultar DOI: -
SMART-ASD, model and ontology definition:a technology recommendation system for people with autism and/or intellectual disabilities
Javier Sevilla; J. Javier Samper; Gerardo Herrera; Marcos Fernández
(2018). ArticleInternational Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies. Num.Volum: 13 Número: 2 Pàgina inicial: 166 Pàgina final: 178
There are many studies that encourage the use of mobile device solutions to improve the skills of people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are a number of apps that may be useful for people with ASD, some specifically designed for them, and others not. The main goal of the SMART-ASD project is to assist in the selection of adequate technology and all related accessories. In this project, the users' data are maintained into an ontology. This ontology also includes information about devices, apps, and protection. The system is a hybrid recommendation system that guides parents and professionals in the selection of the adequate technology. This paper presents the SMART-ASD model...
There are many studies that encourage the use of mobile device solutions to improve the skills of people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are a number of apps that may be useful for people with ASD, some specifically designed for them, and others not. The main goal of the SMART-ASD project is to assist in the selection of adequate technology and all related accessories. In this project, the users' data are maintained into an ontology. This ontology also includes information about devices, apps, and protection. The system is a hybrid recommendation system that guides parents and professionals in the selection of the adequate technology. This paper presents the SMART-ASD model and its representation by reusing an ontology from related projects.
Llegir més Ocultar ISSN: online 1744-263X / print 1744-2621 -
An ontology-based recommendation system for people with autism and technology apps
Javier Sevilla; J. Javier Samper Zapater ; Gerardo Herrera
(2018). LlibreEATIS 18 Conference.
Actas de congresos Nivell C de Core
ISBN: 978-1-4503-6572-7 -
Comparativa de Dos Técnicas Basadas en Roles para el Desarrollo de Software desde una Perspectiva Industrial
Silvia Rueda Pascual; Juan Cabotá i Soro; Jose Ignacio Panach Navarrete; Javier Martínez Plume; Mariano Pérez Martínez; Sergio Casas Yrurzum.
(2017). Participació en congressosIN-RED 2017, 13-14 de Julio de 2017. Num.III Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y de Docencia en Red
Poster en Congreso Nacional
GRAPP'13: On the Characterization of a Speed-boat Motion for Real-time Motion Cueing
Casas, Sergio; Coma, Inmaculada; Riera, Jose V.;Fernández, Marcos
(2013). ArticleWatercraft. This paper presents an experimental characterization of a speed-boat in order to understand the nature and magnitude of a typical small watercraft motion. Unlike other studies, this work focuses on realtime simulation instead of on boat design issues. The purpose of the study is to guide the future process of designing and parameterizing a suitable motion platform for a VR application. The characterization is performed by placing two accelerometers, two gyroscopes, one GPS logger, one digital compass, and one digital anemometer on a speed-boat at several ranges of motion and maneuvering. We analyze tilt, speed, wind, steering, angular speed, acceleration and angular acceleration...
Watercraft. This paper presents an experimental characterization of a speed-boat in order to understand the nature and magnitude of a typical small watercraft motion. Unlike other studies, this work focuses on realtime simulation instead of on boat design issues. The purpose of the study is to guide the future process of designing and parameterizing a suitable motion platform for a VR application. The characterization is performed by placing two accelerometers, two gyroscopes, one GPS logger, one digital compass, and one digital anemometer on a speed-boat at several ranges of motion and maneuvering. We analyze tilt, speed, wind, steering, angular speed, acceleration and angular acceleration at both frequency and time domains. Characterization results show that at least a 3-DoF heave-pitch-roll motion platform should be used
Llegir més Ocultar -
GRAPP'13: Virtual Avatars Signing in Real Time for Deaf Students
Vera, Lucia; Coma, Inmaculada; Campos, Julio; Martínez, Bibiana; Fernández, Marcos
(2013). ArticleThis paper describes a speech and text translator from Spanish into Spanish Sign Language, that tries to solve some of the problems that deaf people find when they access and attend specific training courses. In addition to the translator system, a set of real-time avatar animations representing the signs are used. The creation process of such avatars is also described. The system can be used in courses where deaf and hearing people are sharing the same material and classroom, which contributes to improve the integration of this group of people to specific academic areas. The tool has been tested to obtain direct information with a group of deaf people from the Deaf Association of Seville.
GRAPP'12:An Occlusion-Aware AR Authoring Tool for Assembly and repair tasks
Gimeno, Jesús; Morillo, Pedro; Orduña, Juan Manuel; Fernández, Marcos
(2012). ArticleThe use of authoring tools has become a valuable trend for the fast development of Augmented Reality (AR) applications in industrial organizations. However, most of current AR authoring tools are actually programming interfaces that are exclusively suitable for programmers. Moreover, they do not provide advanced visual effects, such as occlusion or object collision detection, to the resulting AR applications. In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use AR authoring tool oriented to the development of AR applications for the execution of industrial sequential procedures. Unlike other recent easy-to-use AR authoring tools, this software framework allows non-programming users to develop low-cost...
The use of authoring tools has become a valuable trend for the fast development of Augmented Reality (AR) applications in industrial organizations. However, most of current AR authoring tools are actually programming interfaces that are exclusively suitable for programmers. Moreover, they do not provide advanced visual effects, such as occlusion or object collision detection, to the resulting AR applications. In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use AR authoring tool oriented to the development of AR applications for the execution of industrial sequential procedures. Unlike other recent easy-to-use AR authoring tools, this software framework allows non-programming users to develop low-cost AR applications, including occlusion capabilities, by means of the use of a Kinect sensor. These applications could be used in on-site assembly and maintenance/ repair tasks where a certain level of depth perception is needed. In order to validate our AR authoring tool, we have developed four AR applications belonging to different industrial areas. The evaluation results show that overlaying 3D instructions on the actual work pieces reduces the error rate for an assembly task by more than a 75%, particularly diminishing cumulative errors common in sequential procedures. Also, the results show that the time required by non-programming users to develop the AR prototypes using our tool was more than 90% lower than the time required for developing the same prototypes with computer graphics programmers. These results show the potential of our approach and validate the tool as a general-purpose AR authoring tool for industrial AR applications
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