Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitut de Biologia Integrativa de Sistemes (I2sysbio) Logo del portal

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  • O Pacios, L Fernández-García, I Bleriot, L Blasco, A Ambroa, M López, C Ortiz-Cartagena, F Fernández-Cuenca, J Oteo-Iglesias, Á Pascual, L Martínez-Martínez, P Domingo-Calap, M Tomás. 2021. Phenotypic and genomic comparison of Klebsiella pneumoniae lytic phages: vB_KpnM-VAC66 and vB_KpnM-VAC13. Viruses. 14, 6.
  • MC Marqués, R Ruiz, R Montagud-Martínez, R Márquez-Costa, S Albert, P Domingo-Calap, G Rodrigo. 2021. CRISPR-Cas12a-based detection of SARS-CoV‑2 harboring the E484K mutation. ACS Synthetic Biol. 10, 12, 3595-3599.
  • R Sanjuán*, P Domingo-Calap*. 2021. Reliability of wastewater analysis for monitoring COVID-19 incidence revealed by a long-term follow-up study. Front Virol. 1:776998.
  • R Sanjuán, P Domingo-Calap. 2021. Chapter 3 – Genome instability in DNA viruses. From Virus to Human Applications. Volume 26 in Translational Epigenetics. 39-49.
  • R Sanjuán, P Domingo-Calap. 2021. Genetic diversity and evolution of viral populations. Encyclopedia of Virology, 4th Edition, Volume 1.
  • S Albert, A  Ruíz, J Pemán, M Salavert, P Domingo-Calap*. 2021. Lack of evidence for infectious SARS-CoV-2 in feces and sewage. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 1-3.
  • O Pacios, L Fernández-García, I Bleriot, L Blasco, A Ambroa, M López, F Fernández-Cuenca, J Oteo, Á Pascual, L Martínez-Martínez, P Domingo-Calap, G Bou, M Tomás. 2021. Enhanced antibacterial activity of repurposed mitomycin C and imipenem in combination with 1 lytic phage vB_KpnM-VAC13 against clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 65:e00900-21.
  • Una vision global de la pandemia COVID-19: Qué sabemos y qué estamos investigando desde el CSIC.  Informe elaborado desde la Plataforma Temática Interdisciplinar Salud Global/Global Health del CSIC. 2021. e-ISBN: 978-84-00-10779-6.
  • C Ferriol-González, P Domingo-Calap*. 2021. Phage therapy in livestock and companion animals. Antibiotics. 10, pp. 559.
  • A Al-Zaher¨, P Domingo-Calap¨, R Sanjuán. 2021. Experimental virus evolution in cancer cell monolayers, spheroids, and tissue explants. Virus Evol. 7, pp. veab045. ¨equal contribution
  • A Alsaadi, B Beamud, M Easwaran, F Abdelrahman, A El-Shibiny, M Alghoribi, P Domingo-Calap*. 2021. Learning from mistakes: the role of phages in pandemics. Frontiers Microbiol. 12, pp. 517.


  • P Domingo-Calap*, B Beamud, L Mora-Quilis, F González-Candelas, R Sanjuán. 2020. Isolation and characterization of two Klebsiella pneumoniae phages encoding divergent depolymerases Int J Mol Sci 21: 3160.
  • P Domingo-Calap*, B Beamud, J Vienne, F González-Candelas; R Sanjuán. 2020. Isolation of Four Lytic Phages Infecting Klebsiella pneumoniae K22 Clinical Isolates from Spain Int J Mol Sci 21: 425.
  • B Gutierrez, P Domingo-Calap*. 2020. Phage therapy in gastrointestinal diseases Microorganisms 8: 1420.
  • C Ferriol-González, P Domingo-Calap*. 2020. Phages for biofilm removal Antibiotics. 9:268.
  • P Domingo-Calap*, R Sanjuan. 2020. Social interactions among bacteriophage, in Biocommunication of phages. Springer. ISBN: 9783030458850.
  • W Randazzo, E Cuevas-Ferrando, R Sanjuán, P Domingo-Calap*, Gloria Sanchez*. 2020. Metropolitan Wastewater Analysis for COVID-19 Epidemiological Surveillance Int J Hyg Environ Health 230: 113621.
  • Scientific-technical report. 2020. Una visión global de la pandemia COVID-19: Qué sabemos y qué estamos investigando desde el CSIC Informe elaborado desde la PTI Salud Global del CSIC.
  • P Domingo-Calap, L Mora-Quilis; R Sanjuán*. 2020. Social bacteriophages Microorganisms 8:533.
  • R Sanjuán*, P Domingo-Calap. 2020. Genome instability in DNA viruses, in Genome Stability Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128033098


  • M Cebriá-Mendoza, R Sanjuán, P Domingo-Calap*. 2019. Directed evolution of a mycobacteriophage Antibiotics 8:46.
  • P Domingo-Calap, E Segredo-Otero, M Durán-Moreno, R Sanjuán*. 2019. Social evolution of innate immunity evasion in a virus Nature Microbiol 10.1038/s41564-019-0.
  • P Domingo-Calap*. 2019. Viral evolution and immune response J Clin Microbiol Biochem Technol 5:13-18.
  • E Monferrer, P Domingo-Calap*. 2019. Virus-host coevolution as a tool for controlling bacterial resistance to phage therapy J Biotechnol Biomed. 2: 96-104.
  • R Sanjuán*. P Domingo-Calap. 2019. Genetic diversity and evolution of viral populations, in: Encyclopedia of Virology 4th edition. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128145159.


  • P Domingo-Calap*, J Bou. 2018. A method for isolation of the virome from plasma samples, in: The Human Virome. Springer Book Series. ISBN: 9781493986828.
  • P Domingo-Calap*, et al. S Bahram* (1/13) 2018. An usually high substitution rate for transplant-associated BK polyomavirus in vivo is further concentrated in HLA-C-bound viral peptides Plos Pathogens 14: e1007368
  • P Domingo-Calap*, J Delgado-Martinez. 2018. Bacteriophages: Protagonists of a Post-Antibiotic Era Antibiotics. 7: 66.
  • P Domingo-Calap*. 2018. Phages as promising biomedical tools Biomed J Sci Techl Res 10-2.


  • M Solis, A Velay, R Porcher; P Domingo-Calap et al. S Bahram* (4/13). 2017. BKV replication in kidney transplant recipients: towards an earlier marker? Transpl Int 30, pp.21-21.
  • M Solis, A Velay, R Porcher, P Domingo-Calap et al. S Bahram* (4/14). 2017. Neutralizing Antibody-Mediated Response and Risk of BK Virus-Associated Nephropathy J Am Soc Nephrol 10.1681/ASN.201.


  • M Solis, A Velay, R Porcher, P Domingo-Calap et al. S Bahram* (4/14). 2016. Anti-BK virus neutralizing antibody titers before transplantation predict BK virus replication in kidney transplant recipients after transplantation J Clin Virol 82: S6-S7.
  • P Domingo-Calap*, P Georgel, S Bahram. 2016. Back to the future bacteriophages as promising therapeutic tools HLA 87:133-140.
  • M Solis, M Meddeb, C Sueur, P Domingo-Calap et al. S Bahram* (4/13). 2016. Interlaboratory comparison of BK virus DNA load measurement: impact of viral polymorphism Transpl Int 29: 11.
  • R Sanjuan*, P Domingo-Calap. 2016. Mechanisms of viral mutation Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 73: 4433-4448.


  • R Geller, P Domingo-Calap ; JM Cuevas; P Rossolillo; M Negroni; R Sanjuán. 2015. The external domains of the HIV-1 envelope are a mutational cold spot. Nature Communications. 6 - 10.1038/ncomms9571. Co-first authors.
  • C Sueur, M Solis, A Velay, R Porcher, P Domingo-Calap et al. S Bahram* (5/14). 2015. Toward standardization of BK virus monitoring: evaluation of the BK Virus R-gene kit for quantification of BK viral load in urine, whole blood and plasma specimens. J Clin Microbiol. 52: 4298 - 4304.
  • M Solis, M Meddeb, C Sueur, P Domingo-Calap et al. S Bahram* (4/13).  2015. Interlaboratory comparison of BK virus in DNA load assays. J Clin Virol. 70: S114 - S114.
  • M Solis, M Meddeb, C Sueur, P Domingo-Calap et al. S Bahram* (4/13). 2015. Sequence Variation in Amplification Target Genes and Standards Influences Interlaboratory Comparison of BK Virus DNA Load Measurement. J Clin Microbiol. 53: 3842 - 3852.


  • K Bradwell, M Combe, P Domingo-Calap, R Sanjuán. 2013. Correlation between mutation rate and genome size in riboviruses: mutation rate in bacteriophage Qβ. Genetics. 195: 243 - 251.


  • P Domingo-Calap, M Pereira-Gómez, R Sanjuán. 2012. Nucleoside analogue mutagenesis of a single-stranded DNA virus: evolution and resistance. J Virol. 86: 9640-9646.
  • JM Cuevas, P Domingo-Calap, R Sanjuán. 2012. The fitness effects of synonymous mutations in DNA and RNA viruses. MBE. 29: 17 - 20.


  • P Domingo-Calap, R Sanjuán. 2011. Experimental evolution of RNA versus DNA viruses. Evolution. 65: 2987 - 2994.
  • R Sanjuán, P Domingo-Calap. 2011. Experimental evolution in viruses. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


  • P Domingo-Calap, M Pereira-Gómez, R Sanjuán. 2010. Selection for thermostability can lead to the emergence of mutational robustness in an RNA virus. J Evol Biol. 23, pp. 2453 – 2460.


  • P Domingo-Calap, V Sentandreu, MA Bracho, F González-Candelas, A Moya, R Sanjuán. 2009. Unequal distribution of in vitro RT-PCR artifacts along the E1-E2 region of Hepatitis C virus. J Virol Meth. 161: 136 -140.
  • P Domingo-Calap, JM Cuevas, R Sanjuán. 2009. The fitness effects of random mutations in single-stranded DNA and RNA bacteriophages. PLoS Genetics. 5: e1000742.
  • JM Cuevas, P Domingo-Calap, M Pereira-Gómez, R Sanjuán. 2009. Experimental evolution and population genetics of RNA viruses. The Open Evolution Journal. 3:9 – 16.