Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2sysbio) Logo del portal

An explosive growth of research on the gut microbiota, often using rodent models, has amply demonstrated the huge importance of the previously neglected microorganisms for our health. However, the complexity of the system poses a formidable challenge.

Title: Developing and validating a computational model of the gut microbiota-mucosa interactions to replace and reduce animal experiments

Research Group: Evolutionary Genetics

An explosive growth of research on the gut microbiota, often using rodent models, has amply demonstrated the huge importance of the previously neglected microorganisms for our health. However, the complexity of the system poses a formidable challenge. Our central hypothesis is that mathematical modelling is required to understand and predict such a complex system. Our long-term goal is to replace & reduce animal experiments and improve our understanding by developing and utilizing a general mathematical modelling platform. The specific aim of the studentship is to develop a model of the gut mucosa as part of our eGUT software and to validate the model with an in vitro and an insect model as well as training the student in a range of alternatives to rodent models. This is timely as research in this area using animal experiments is growing exponentially. By improving the science, we can best realize the potential of eGUT to ultimately replace & reduce ~75,000 animals per year globally.

Total amount: £90.000
Ref. NC/R001707/1

National Centre for Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research

Non-UV principal researchers

Jan-Ulrich Kreft

Non-UV participating researchers

Andrés Moya

Start date
2018 October
End date
2021 September
Funding agencies:

National Centre for Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research, UK.


University of Birmingham, University of Valencia