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Explorer Program ‘Young people with ideas´ of the UV

The new edition of the YUZZ Program of the Universitat de València, now called the Explorer Program, has been launched, aimed at attracting and promoting the talent of young people between 18 and 31 years old with innovative business ideas. This initiative presents the Santander YUZZ evolution, a program that in their eight previous editions has promoted the projects of more than 4200 young entrepreneurs and also has generated hundreds of companies around the country. The UV has participated as a Centre of Santander YUZZ Program for 3 consecutive years. From this edition, the Explorer Program takes part in Santander X; a new entrepreneur community, more international and open to the general public. On this platform, it will be the opportunity to connect with universities and entrepreneurs from around the world and to access to resources and contacts in order to facilitate the projects’ progress. Explorer is coordinated by the Santander Entrepreneurship International Centre (SEIC), which is sponsored by Banco Santander. In addition, it joins forces with the Universitat de València at the local level through the EMPREN + program to support university entrepreneurs, promoted and coordinated by the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Scientific Policy. The Explorer program is developed in more than 50 local and public entities committed to innovation and entrepreneurship in the national territory. Explorer also has the collaboration of other entities and organizations at a national level, such as Indra, Netberry, Secot and Fundación EY that are committed to the promotion of young talent with business projects. What the Explorer Program offers? - The 20 selected projects will be incorporated into the program completely free of charge and can benefit from access to the Explorer Space of the Universitat de València. - During the 5 months of the program, the candidates will have physical space to develop their idea; they will interact with other entrepreneurs and will receive training from a network of more than 200 professional experts who will guide them, together with an individual tutor, in the realization of the most viable business plan for each project. The training will take place during the afternoon, between one and two sessions per week. - Once the learning and advice process has over, the best entrepreneur of each Explorer Space will be granted with a trip to Silicon Valley, the worldwide Mecca of innovation in the field of new technologies, where will be available the access to the financing forum, advice in internationalization and direct contact with investors. - Moreover, the three best projects all over the country will receive an economic endowment to help them start their business: 30.000€ for the first place, 20.000€ for the second one and 10.000€ for the third place. On the other hand, thanks to the collaboration with the EY Fundation, the program also has the Women Explorer Award that offers 20.000€ to finance the best project led by an entrepreneur. And finally, thanks to the collaboration with Indra, the program will also have the Disruptive Technology Explorer Award for innovation that will provide € 3,000 and Indraventures expert advice for the most innovative business project. Application and deadline for submission: The period time of participation in the program will be opened until 2 p.m. from 8 December 2017 and those interested in developing their business idea and choosing the prizes, must submit their application through a form available:


Date From 7 november 2017 to 7 december 2017. 24h. Every day.

  • 8 december 2017 at 00:00 to 14:38. Friday.

Secció d'Innovació, valorització i emprenedoria de la UV

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