Master’s Degree in Cultural Management

Degree number of credits: 75

Compulsory credits: 30

Elective credits: 30

Final project: 10

Work placements/Internships: 5

Degree code: 2155

Years: 2

Teaching type: Presencial


Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 20

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Social Sciences

Languages used in class: Spanish and Valencian

Participating Universities: University of Valencia and Technic University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: Miquel Àngel Ruiz Torres (Director)
Joan Aliaga Morell ( Director-UPV)
Vicent Giménez Chornet
Carmen Pérez Cabañero
Teresa Vicente Rabanaque
Nuria Ramón Marqués
Mª Lourdes Menor Sánchez (PAS)
Rosa Mª Martinez Gamero (PAS-UPV)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: This Master’s Degree has the goal of training managers able to understand the Cultural Management as a form of comprehensive organization of the territory, admitting the idea of the cultural resource as a public good, source of well-being, of intellectual evolution and of material progress and putting new energy in a comprehensive manner the cultural heritage of a specific community. From this point of view, this Master’s Degree expects to deal with a double compromise. On one hand, to prepare professionals that focuses their activity towards the spreading and improvement of the culture itself through the democratic use and benefit of the cultural goods. On the other hand, it expects to prepare professionals that are able to organise economically cultural resources of any nature, designing products which profitability evidences the efficiency of an integral management system of the cultural resources of a territory and promotes the social sense of sustainable exploitation of these goods. On this compromise, the training plan of the Master’s Degree offers four optional modules as of the corresponding areas of professional activity that widely encompass the field of cultural management. Its interest lives in the fact that it covers the social, political and economic sectors that make up the framework under which the activity of every specialist is registered. The optional modules are: management of cultural resources, cultural tourism management, performing arts management and ethnological heritage and popular culture management. Each student can choose three of the four modules, to configure his/her study plan. Thus four study plans are configured, resulting from all the possible combinations of three of the four optional modules. The four areas mentioned above demand a training in accordance with the social necessity of a new kind of professional able to solve the challenges that are posed in the management of culture of our society from the current political, economic and social structures. This synthesis settles on the following objectives. 1. To master the management tools to create projects with which provide sense and value a specific asset, learning to fit in the creation of management bodies, the promotion of cultural events, the revitalisation of heritage and the configuration of training cycles and benefit for users. 2. Provide an operative training in the public and private bodies that traditionally occupy themselves in our society with activities of cultural management. 3. To train for the detection of the sources of funding and management of the cultural resources in terms of sustainable economic revitalisation and profitability. 4. To train professionals experts of different keys of cultural politics both in the local area, as well as in the autonomous, national and European. 5. Provide students with the required knowledge to organise and lead multidisciplinary teams that work in the development of cultural management projects. 6. To organise in the student the concept of cultural management from the study of the legislation related with the management of culture. 7. To make contact with the professional reality of Cultural Management by informing students of real projects carried out by public and private bodies, exposing different real experiences of cultural management in the world of public administration and private company. 8. To put in practise the knowledge and techniques acquired through the development of a management project, creating personally for each student and conveniently tutored by expert lecturers in the different subjects.

PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Social and Labour Sciences and Human Resources

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: