Ana Cros Stötter, new director of the Institute of Materials Science of the Universitat

Ana Cros.

Ana Cros Stötter, full university professor in Applied Physics at the Universitat de València, has been appointed new director of the Institute of Materials Science of the Universitat de València (ICMUV). A researcher of that centre since its creation in 1995, Ana Cros will take up the position for three years. Her main challenge in front of the institute is to reinforce its internationalisation by strengthening new bonds with the world researcher and business sector.

Ana Cros is full university professor of the Department of Applied Physics and Electromagnetism and researcher of the ICMUV. Born in Madrid, she studied Physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has continued his teaching and research career at the Universitat de València since the start of her doctoral thesis, combining her teaching tasks with stays in German and French research centres. 
Her scientific career has focused on the study of the properties of semiconductor materials, analysing their optical and structural characteristics through the behaviour of the vibration of their atoms. Nowadays her research is oriented towards the study of nanomaterials for photonic and photovoltaic applications, combining optical techniques and techniques of microscopy of atomic force. 
She is author of over 80 scientific articles. Through her implication in the Physics work group “Arquímedes”, she has participated in the organisation of numerous courses addressed to the training of the secondary teacher training and Batxillerat (Spanish upper secondary school education), as well as seminars, workshops and divulgative talks. 
Since 2013 she is president of the local section of Valencia of the Royal Spanish Physics Society. 
ICMUV is a heterogeneous and dynamic centre in which chemist and physicists collaborate in their research with a common objective: the generation of new knowledge in the fields of material science and the emphasis of these results though its transfer to society and to the industry. A relevant aspect of the Institute is its intense interaction with firms and adminitrations.
This is revealed in the high number of patents and contract managed by the centre, which have crystallised the constitution of four spin-off firms that utilise these moments the results of the research. 
According Ana Cros, the new challenges that faces the Institute go through new links with research groups and international firms. “Since the beginning of its activity, the research of the Institute is developed in an international level. Apart from the participation of its members in different European, local and national projects, and its collaboration wit international groups, the institute hosts each year a high number of students and researchers that, attracted by our prestige, want to use the cutting-edge character of our facilities. In a environment more and more globalised, we should continue developing innovative research lines and offer support to the firms to make them more competitive”, has indicated. 
Disseminating the results of the research is other of its objectives. “After all, the materials are tools that we find in our everyday life through their innumerable applications. Just the knowledge and the explanation of their properties and characteristics allow us living in the age of the electronics and the communications”, comments.
Ana Cros replaces in the position to Fernando Sapiña, professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and researcher of the Institute of Material Science of the Universitat de València.

Last update: 28 de september de 2015 12:53.

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