Film series on trees, in the Botanical Garden

Cartel del ciclo de cine 'Visiones arbóreas'.

The Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia begins the 14 November ‘Visiones arbóreas’ (‘Tree Views’), a film series framed in its campaign for this year ‘La Herencia de los árboles’ (‘The Trees Legacy’), with a special selection of seven films from different geographies and genres, which will have as main characters these giants of nature.

Because, besides exerting a key role in the natural world, trees have become in a source of culture and inspiration as immutable witnesses of the history of mankind, and because of that the Botanical Garden has decided to pay tribute this year. “All around us the tree is an aesthetic element, a pleasant source of shadow and freshness, an indication that nature is close, a symbol that reminds us the need to value the landscape and those that form it. But it has not always been like that. Our relationship with trees has been, since ancient times, much profound, becoming not only a source of tangible resources, but also spiritual”, the campaign says.

The idea of the cinema is to enjoy entertainment films, with stories like any other, but with a particularity, the tree plays a key role in the development of the plot. Thus, the spectator can see how the characters and events are related to it, or with what it represents. At the end of each session, there will be a film forum moderated by Montserrat Hormigos Vaquero, PhD in Audiovisual Communication and author of the project ‘La Herencia de los Árboles’.

The first projection, the 14 November, is ‘Su majestad minor’ (‘Your Majesty minor’), a mythological story where deities, love, forest and, above all, olives mingle. The 21 November it will be projected ‘La fuente de la vida’ (‘The fountain of life’), and adventure through time of a man to find a cure for a serious disease that affects the woman he loves. The solution, of course, is in a tree. ‘El árbol’ (‘The tree’), ‘Miel’ (‘Honey’), ‘Flipped’, ‘Cometas en el cielo’ (‘Kites in the sky’), and ‘Ríos y mareas’ (‘Rivers and tides’), are the other five proposals that complete the film series.

With ‘La Herencia de los árboles’ in the Botanical Garden this year it has been offered a lecture series and an art and nature exhibition. In addition, it is still available in the web the section “recomendamos” (“we recommend”), which was specially designed for the campaign, where the spectator can find exhibitions, books and other activities outside the Botanical Garden, and even in the city, which are related to trees.

The film series will be from 14 November 2013 to 16 January 2014, in the Auditori Joan Plaça at the Botanical Garden, with free admission until full capacity. All films are on Thursdays at 19:00 and will be projected in Spanish.

All the information about the campaign, its image, and more information on each of the films, in the web 

Complete programming of the films series

Last update: 14 de november de 2013 10:34.

News release