Jordi Garcés will occupy the Príncipe de Asturias Chair at Georgetown University in Washington

Jordi Garcés.

The Professor at the University of Valencia and director of the Polibienestar Institute, Jordi Garcés, will occupy the Príncipe de Asturias (Prince of Asturias) Chair at Georgetown University (Washington) during the next academic year 2014/2015. His election took place in public competitive basis through an open call, addressed to renowned specialists from the fields of the areas catalogue of the Georgetown University in North-America (Political Science, History, Economy, Sociology and Humanities).

This Chair is the result of the an agreement signed in 1999 between the Spanish Ministry of Education, the Spanish embassy in the US, the Endesa company and Georgetown University, and involves the visiting Professor’s integration in the BMW Center for German and European Studies of the North-American academic institution.

Jordi Garcés has been visiting professor at the universities of Innsbruck (Austria) and Erasmus in Rotterdam (Netherlands) and visiting researcher at Oxford and Cambridge. His research has focused on comparative European social policies and, in particular, on how to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of social welfare policies. He has also participated as an expert in the Commission for Social Policies of the Spanish Parliament and in different committees organised by the European Commission.

In 2009 he obtained doctorate ‘honoris causa’ from the Universidad de San Pedro (University of San Pedro) in the Republic of Peru; in 2013 the Universidad de Encarnación (Encarnación University) of Paraguay also honoured him with the doctorate ‘honoris causa’ and in 2011, the city council of Puçol granted him the title of Favourite Son.

Last update: 15 de november de 2013 18:20.

News release